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The Wire

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  • The Wire

    Yes, I'm about 5 years behind the rest of the world but I have just got into The Wire and if you havent seen it it's really, really worth a watch. I've had lots of people going on to me for ages to 'watch it, you need to watch 3 or 4 before you really get sucked in but its worth it' yadda yadda yadda and have been avoiding it as it seemed for too much commitment for my liking but finally caved and i'm really glad I did.

    I was expecting to be blown away and be incredibly excited but its not like that. It was only when I realised that I had happily watched 4 hour long episodes back to back that I realised how good it was.

    Basically, when most TV seems to be trying to grab you with guns, explosions, car chases etc. it's nice to find a series that has the slow narrative and depth of characterisation that's more like a novel. (and seasons 2's theme tune is by Tom Waits. What's not to like? )

    Top hole HBO! I suppose once I'm done with this I'll have to have a look at The Sopranos and the rest.

    I won't witter on any more. Charlie Brooker says it all here really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ2iGYwdEi8

    Impressive stuff. Worth a watch if you haven't.

    As you were.

  • #2
    Probably the best telly ever made... superb but you need to stick with it..

    Back in the day Baby


    • #3
      But does it clash with what Kerry did to Jordan next...I'm NOT missing that!
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #4
        Tru dat. S'all in the game.

        The dockyard series (2? 3?) is Dostoyevskian. Absolute genius...


        • #5
          Sopranos is great too, though probably doesn't match the Wire. Recommend Damages too. And have just started watching Deadwood. Brilliant, though my language is taking a serious nosedive. They don't 'alf curse...


          • #6
            Thanks for the heads up. I think it might be Deadwood next.

            Shame this was just a spoof http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2010/10/07/...nopoly-game-2/


            • #7
              HBO=six feet under....simply great with the best last episode ever in a series.
              .... Which was nice.

