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Widescreen flat CRT TV's

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  • Widescreen flat CRT TV's

    What are people doing with their old, slightly outdated and possibly redundant televisions?

    I have one in my room which just doesn't ever get used. It works perfectly well and I remember saving up for ages for it when I earned half it's price in a weeks wage
    We have another one in the front room, although larger and heavier.

    I would like to buy a decent HD screen for the HD viewing (and to take up less space!) but looking on ebay they don't appear to be shifting. I don't want to dispose of a perfectly good TV as then it would be a total waste of money.

    Even people I know (who don't earn very much etc) have better, bigger more expensive TVs than I do.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Death rides a Black Horse


    • #3
      I just sold my 32" on Ebay for £4.40 (I bought it a while ago on Ebay for £30)

      If you're going to sell it I would do it via an ad with pic in a shop window to attract older people rather than Ebay or just give it to a relative or friend. Otherwise Freecycle it. Or ask a local housing charity if they can use it.

      Sorry to not be more positive.

      You could just keep it. I have an HD TV now and though it is much better I was equally happy with the CRT. Only reason I got rid is that my housemate wanted to buy one and it has better connectivity for PS3, PC and all those other uneccessary gubbins that give you so many more ways to watch Pornhub.


      • #4
        I love my old CRT.

        I "inherited" it when my Father passed away. Far better picture than an equivalent LCD or plasma and it won't get stolen; unless they come with a low loader


        • #5
          Apart from the obvious landfill I would happily give to someone that would make use of it i.e. old peoples home etc.

          I have a HD 22" screen but it's a little too small for watching films Thanks for the advice Paul. Did you get your motor sorted yet?
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            Not sorted yet, but hopefully TonyN (Toni) is going to pop up.

            Search by housing charities in Surrey here http://www.charitychoice.co.uk/searchresult.asp


            • #7
              I have a Loewe CRT and have not found a LCD, plasma etc with a better pic....plus it's a cool design model Mimo. Don't care what you say I'm off to put fingers in my ears...
              .... Which was nice.


              • #8
                got rid of mine (we had 2) through Gumtree


                I'm not overweight, I'm undertall!


                • #9
                  I took an old 32" widescreen down to the local tip, erm I mean council run "recycling centre" today as it happens. Piles of the things in there. I suspect they'll get sent to China for people to extract the various precious metals from the circuit boards, etc, under particularly hazardous conditions that send them to an early grave...

                  If you want to have a bit of fun with it before you get rid of it get yourself a big hammer!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                    I took an old 32" widescreen down to the local tip, erm I mean council run "recycling centre" today as it happens. Piles of the things in there. I suspect they'll get sent to China for people to extract the various precious metals from the circuit boards, etc, under particularly hazardous conditions that send them to an early grave...

                    If you want to have a bit of fun with it before you get rid of it get yourself a big hammer!
                    Tried doing that before, when I was a kid and couldnt break the tube!
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                      Tried doing that before, when I was a kid and couldnt break the tube!
                      First rule of reverse-engineering: use a bigger hammer.


                      This is the way to do it!
                      Last edited by Rustinho; 30 March 2011, 17:53.


                      • #12
                        Have you considered watching it?

                        No Plasma or LCD telly is anything like as good as CRT.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          Have you considered watching it?

                          No Plasma or LCD telly is anything like as good as CRT.
                          Oooooo....another one that agrees..
                          .... Which was nice.


                          • #14
                            I used to work in TV repair/rental for a reputble company in my teens, they showed us how to tap the back of the tube with a nail and hammer before disposel, it would just go hiss.

                            Smacking the front is asking for trouble.. as the first vid shows, they showed us what can happen if you do too, by dropping one from 2 stories up at the back yard, it took over an hour to finaly sweep up all the shards of glass.,

                            My 12 year old sony is on they way out, and only works after a 10 mins warm up, and a free-view box, but it works and still has a good picture.

                            Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                            • #15
                              Take it to the top floor of a high rise tower block and Fu*k it out the window.

                              Ah, maybe not. Ignore that suggestion. I would give it to someone who is in need of one. You know the type. Unemployed single mum of five who just about gets by on benefits. No, hold on, she more than likely has a 50" flat screen wall mounted with the full monty Sky+ Multiroom HD package with broadband for all the kids laptops.
                              Last edited by GBV8; 30 March 2011, 19:20.

