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Can anyone help me?

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  • Can anyone help me?

    Well after my abortion of an attempt to do the trans-african crossing in my 4Runner fell at the first, second and third posts (Money, Swambo, more money) I've decided to up sticks and move me and my 4Runner out to South Africa (Swambo will tag along too!).

    Sold my caravan and am using that to bankroll the shipping of my truck to Zimbabwe (we've got a house there but had to leave due to dear old Comrade Mugabe) via Durban. The vehicle will be leaving via ro-ro on the 18th of August and takes about 3 weeks to get there but we leave on the 28th of July and we'll take about 11 and a half hours - the wonder of modern travel!

    Anyway my problem is this: I've got a swing away rear wheel carrier (that Andy gave me) that I'd like to fit before I leave. Not being of sound mechanical mind, owning a welder, or having done it before, I thought I might see if anyone could give me a hand? There will, of course, be beer and BBQ and the pick of any jerricans I cannot fit into the truck plus an invitation to safari in SA's Kruger National Park!

    I can have the work done in SA but it means either stowing the wheel carrier on the roof or inside the truck and seeing as I have to leave the vehicle unlocked I don't fancy it's chances of getting to Durbs in one piece.

    So if anyone can help, please give me a shout on 02476 440844.


  • #2
    Typical I'm away tomorrow for 2 weeks so won't be able to get to you
    I have enclosed a witten description of how I did it and posted some pics

    you'll have to make some internal modifications to the body to support the weight of it when it is hanging open. This I did by copying the how the swinging hinges were shaped to fit around the corner of the bodywork and then made some plates up to fit inside the body. You have to do the same thing with the catch bracket.

    You need to fit the catch section first to the tailgate so you can then fit the swing out bit after. You'll soon see the position as it can really only go in one place.

    Position it, mark and drill the holes (careful of the window) then take out the window mech, slide the window up (taking care not to drop it out of the tailgate) You will have to make a plate up for the inside of the tailgate tfor the catch to fasten to. Mine was shaped to fit the 3 sets of holes from the bottom up then a single piece for the top ones. I also welded nuts on the back so it made fitting easy. This was then bonded & waxoil'd into place.

    Hinged bit
    I copied the shape of the carrier's hinged brackets and fabricated some internal supporting brackets myself. Once I'd got the shape, I marked and drilled the holes in the bracket. I welded on captive nuts for ease of fitting, I welded a flat piece of steel to the top of the bent bracket to create a 90 degree type edge for strength (I did the opposite on the bottom one) I offered the carrier up to the body, marked and drilled the holes. Mastic'd the bracket inside the body and bolted it all up. This way the weight of the carrier is spread across the corner of the body.


    • #3
      No worries...it was a desparate, last minute, plea anyway! Thanks for the instructions - I'll print them off and take them with as, without outside interference, I'd doubt if I could do the job by myself anyway what with the welding and all.
      Many thanks anyway, and have a great two weeks holiday.

      Stay well


