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Stormys Old Surf

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  • Stormys Old Surf

    Back on EBay. High on price, low on presentation, you'd have thought a trader would have put more effort into an ad!
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
    Back on EBay. High on price, low on presentation, you'd have thought a trader would have put more effort into an ad!
    Especially if he wants seven grand for it.


    • #3
      I went to look at a 1996 Gen 3 advertised for £3999 at this dealer last July. The car was described in glowing terms but when I got there it was grubby inside and out, various bits were missing or didn't work.
      The dealer got quite agressive when I pointed out the faults and told me to sod off and not come back (or words to that effect) when I offered £3000 for the truck. He was still advertising it 5 months later.
      I would recommend that nobody goes near the garage.


      • #4

        Mine has just gone up to 9k then!


        • #5
          I've been there too. Everything was low quality and needed a wash. If the dealer can't be arsed, nor can I...


          • #6
            I can't believe he wants that price for it.
            That's in the same condition as it left here in.
            At least when i did advertise it it was washed and cleaned


            • #7
              I wonder if he will let the RAC inspect this one?


              Looks like he's selling up. Business no good? Not surprised at those prices!
              Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


              • #8
                It is a nice location but I wouldn't have thought the bungalow + non-functioning petrol station was worth anything like £600k


                • #9
                  Originally posted by markp2 View Post
                  I went to look at a 1996 Gen 3 advertised for £3999 at this dealer last July. The car was described in glowing terms but when I got there it was grubby inside and out, various bits were missing or didn't work.
                  The dealer got quite agressive when I pointed out the faults and told me to sod off and not come back (or words to that effect) when I offered £3000 for the truck. He was still advertising it 5 months later.
                  I would recommend that nobody goes near the garage.
                  Sounds like a nice guy, put it in the dealer experiences section so everyone knows

