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Bigger tyres on a 2.4?

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  • Bigger tyres on a 2.4?

    Who said you can't fit big tyres on a 2.4?

    Check this out:


    Not as good as lucifer - gone but not forgotten!
    “Do or do not... there is no try.”

  • #2
    The inside looks like a brothel, not that i`ve ever been in one of course not even when i lived in Holland, nope definitely not


    • #3
      Top speed, if it can actually move without overheating, is going to be 20 and it doesn't look right to me.....

      I notice the work cost, literally, pounds.


      • #4
        But it has lots of (useless) dampers and a sticker that says 'Racing'...
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5
          I didn't say I wanted it or even liked it - but it had got big tyres!
          “Do or do not... there is no try.”


          • #6
            With the tread on those tyres I bet he is stuck on the grass.

            I am also stuck on grass, and I'm quite tired.
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #7
              Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
              The inside looks like a brothel, not that i`ve ever been in one of course not even when i lived in Holland, nope definitely not
              I used to live next door to one. Had some very strange people knocking on the door! Had to make sure i had a good security chain on the door too as they usually tried to barge their way in. Could have made a fortune, but I have standards, and the majority of them came nowhere near the level of my standards!! Pmsl!!

              Oh yeah, don't like the truck by the way.
              It's only kinky the first time...


              • #8
                Thats gay too!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Thats gay too!
                  oooooh were having a really gay day today - must be the weather


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
                    Who said you can't fit big tyres on a 2.4
                    No one said you couldn't, we all said you shouldn't!
                    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

