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Anyone been to Vietnam ?

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  • Anyone been to Vietnam ?

    A couple of us are going to Vietnam in September to do the top gear thing. The flights are easy but the rest is a bit vague at the moment. Its probably going to be one of those totally unplanned things, just take it as it comes but one thing needs to be sorted out before we leave and thats the bike hire. Dont want to be arguing the toss about a booking thats gone wrong with some guy in ho chi mihn city.
    So has anyone done anything like this before ? if so can you recommend anyone to hire the bikes off ?
    Its a long shot i know but ya never know

  • #2
    Having done this kind of thing in places like Nepal, India, Greece etc... I just go....find a place I like to hire from and do it. Just check the bike over well and check where you get fuel from. Some places I've been just sell fuel in bottles on the side of the road. Riding a bike in such places is dodgy but fun. Take it easy and you will be fine... Oh and watch out for people running out in front of you on purpose to get a cash payout from you.

    .... Which was nice.


    • #3
      No idea about any of your questions but... on a different subject search for Anthony Bourdain and Vietnam on Youtube.
      He's an American chef and author who is almost evangelical in his love of Vietnamese food. Should give you some ideas for where and what to eat.

      He also visits Vietnam in at least one of his books. If you are into food porn of a somewhat more gonzo formula he's pretty good.
      If, however, you only eat pasta with tomato sauce I can't help you


      • #4
        good luck

        Just go there and hire a good bike or even better buy one and then your jot limited to bring it back to the same place u got it from.

        Good luck and have fun your have a blast ..

        If u hire one tho do check it like oil and water as there rape.u for a repair bill

        happened to a mate !


        • #5
          I try and avoid plans myself, they inevitably go wrong but you have to do the minimum or you`d never get there. Was kinda hoping for one of those hire places that let you leave the vehicle somewhere other than the place you got it from, the journey is nearly 1200 miles.
          I`ll scan the net to see if i can find anything if not i`ll just go.
          Been a while since i`ve had that standing in front of the airport thinking "what the feck am i doing here" feeling


          • #6
            My friend went to Vietnam for a month travelling, apart from returning to the hotel to find her luggage gone, being run over, having her wallet stolen and crashing a moped she had a lot of fun lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by smurfL6 View Post
              My friend went to Vietnam for a month travelling, apart from returning to the hotel to find her luggage gone, being run over, having her wallet stolen and crashing a moped she had a lot of fun lol
              "It is better to live one day as a lion, than a lifetime as a mouse."


              • #8
                Originally posted by schrodingers-cat View Post
                "It is better to live one day as a lion, than a lifetime as a mouse."
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                  Its a metaphor i.e. A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance


                  • #10
                    ive been a few times - the people are friendly and you can go almost anywhere with no worries but keep an eye out for pickpockets and tea leafs. always remember youre a rich guy to people that live in tin sheds.

                    as far as bike hire - easy to hire them but insurance doesn't exist - if you bend it you buy the guy a new one, city scams are renting you a bike and his mate comes round later and nicks it. you get the bill for a new one. dont leave your passport with them.

                    get medical insurance cos everything there is pay before treatment whether its a cut or youre half dead.

                    if it was me id just buy a bike for a few hundred quid and flog it when i left and if you wreck it theres no hassle.

                    remember jeremy and co will have had a camera crew and probably bodyguards with them all the time.

                    its a huge culture shock but a great area of the world to see - ive been over in asia for the last 10 years for 4 months a year. thailands probably the easiest place to do your trip but laos, cambodia and viet nam are also possible.

                    have fun and dont get kidnapped


                    • #11
                      just a wee extra - if your'e going upcountry (inland) i take it you know malaria and hepatitis A are the nasty diseases. a night in the jungle with a flat tyre and you'll get eaten alive. take the pills and get the jabs before you go


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                        No idea about any of your questions but...
                        You don't know man.... you weren't there

                        Neither was I though
                        “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            I went to Vietnam for a few weeks about 5 years ago. Great place, friendly busy people, no more dangerous than London etc.
                            2 bits of advice
                            1. They have 3 seasons - wettish, wet and wetter. You will find rain cape sellers on virtually every corner! take waterproof gear!
                            2. Don't eat anywhere designed to attract tourists or westerners. Food hygiene in these superficially smarter joints is shocking. Eat on the street with the locals!

                            Have fun,


                            • #15
                              easten promis

                              Take nothing buy whenbya there ...every time i go thatbend of the worldni take.empty rucksack and fillnit up as ya travil...your be suprized how much cool stuff yer pick up and you wouldbof never had room for other wise ..

                              Buy a bike likebya man said and flog it or.if ya feelingbfly give.it away at end ..

                              Of and tablets.andnjabs get way befornu leave as a mate of.mine went mad on them and tryed topping him self ...

                              Goodnluck have fun

                              sorry doing this on me dog and bone

