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  • #61
    Yup...he is an insufferable prick, but the accolade in my humble opinion, goes to granny insulter brown, followed by clegg and Blair....they are all insufferable pricks...but quite how they are complicit with killing libyans is a mental leap to far for me!
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #62
      Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
      Aern't all policitians insufferable pricks?
      Not all of them. My dad worked on union negotiations with Alan Johnson way back in their post office days and apparently Mr Johnson is quite a nice chap. I'm sure that there must be others that are quite nice chaps/chapettes too.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
        Not all of them. My dad worked on union negotiations with Alan Johnson way back in their post office days and apparently Mr Johnson is quite a nice chap. I'm sure that there must be others that are quite nice chaps/chapettes too.
        They probably are - right up to the point where they're in power, then all election promises, manifestos etc go out the window and they do what ever is best for them. That's my opinion right or wrong
        “Do or do not... there is no try.”


        • #64
          Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
          They probably are - right up to the point where they're in power, then all election promises, manifestos etc go out the window and they do what ever is best for them. That's my opinion right or wrong
          Fair do's. I suspect you're probably right in so far as you need to be a bit of a B'Stard to climb the greasy pole all the way to the top.


          • #65

            Despite being somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan most of the time, I actually have a huge amount of respect for Frank Field ! A man of principle and not afraid to stick two fingers up to his party - I sometimes wonder how come they haven't kicked him out yet ...

            Oh yeah - he went to the same school as me but didn't get asked to leave like I did

            How do you know when a politician's lying ?

            Their lips move !

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #66
              Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
              Aern't all policitians insufferable pricks?
              I know this was a rhetorical question. But yes.

              However voicing this at a dinner party can be embarrassing. Particularly when the person to whom you voice it then responds to the old "what do you do?" chestnut by telling you that he is an MP.

              My embarrassment passed quickly though when I realised that he was an insufferable prick (and no I can't remember who he was - or which particular bunch of lying halfwits he represented - but then they are all the same to me).

              Apparently we get the government we deserve. If this is true it means that we are all ####ers, and have been for about 200 years.


              • #67
                Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                You are on drugs yes?
                It's raining...cameron being wet, it's Sunday...that religious git cameron, thinks he's god,cameron washed his hands after peeing...waste of water...cameron didn't wash his hands...eeewww prime minister penis hands.
                Do you have such a short feckin memory of the idiots that raped our economy, destroyed our way of life and generally Fecked up...and what the hell has the Tory party got to do with lunatic gadaffi...oh cameron and clegg are responsible, silly me. It was your beloved Blair/brown that let gadaffis bomber go home to a heros welcome. Every post you reply to is a knuckle to the government. Well they ARE the government, get over it.
                Camomile tea.
                Сви можемо


                • #68
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    ahhh bullshit. Where would forums dedicated to Hilux Surfs be without it...
                    En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.

