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The new thought on road tax

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  • The new thought on road tax

    I have just seen on the news the new thought on road taxing. What a joke they are going to ask from 2p to £1.25p per mile depending on where u drives, i.e. 2p countryside and £1.25p in the big cities. That means that you could pay a full years road tax of £180 in just one day for just over one hundred miles drive. Where do they think that the average person is going to get that sort of money, and they will be sending you a bill every month by post. They will be doing all this with satellite navigation. So with all new satellite tracking boxes for every car in the UK and all that post and the workers to sort it, putting up in space a new satellite to do all this tracking. How long will it be before they start to get their money back? Who comes up with these ideas?

  • #2
    Don't know who thinks these up but they do live in Cloud Cuckoo Land (probably aka Brussels)!!

    It's time to start planning the revolution lads & lasses. What with Blair blaming all societies ills on the liberal 60's & 70's, instead of the real reason being the almost constant meddling from totally self centered and utterly useless politicians, the countless changes and initiatives which mean and do absolutely nowt, but still cost £M's, and being taxed more and more and getting less and less for it (apart from the politicians and their friends getting their noses in the trough). It's time to come up with a new way of governing ourselves. Anyone any suggestions?
    Mike G


    • #3
      What gets on my tits is that they want to tax us 4X4 drivers more....i was following two buses today on the way into work. one in the inside lane and one in the middle lane of a motorway, both crawling along, drivers shouting to each other, spewing out tonnes of !!!! with not one passenger between them. While me with my surf with 4 people, gets suck in the log jam created by everyone squeezing past them.


      • #4
        It might just work...............

        I have a feeling this new road tax system might just work for me.

        Providing they scrap the tax disc and the duty on fuel - my commute to work will cost about £70 a year- all non congested roads, nowhere near any towns and I can get into work and out of work at non peak times.

        Assuming I do 10, 000 miles a year at 27mpg - this gives me 370 gallons. The tax on diesel is 49p - from here:
        so I save £181.48 a year - add to that the road fund licence saved - I get around £360 better off. So take off my commute and as long as I dont do too many congested/peak type journeys - it might turn out ok.

        Perhaps worth a second look...................althoug h I would hate to be one of you lads using the road all the time!!



        • #5
          Just worked out I'm getting approx 22 mpg on the commute to work....that is not that bad....im putting a tenner in every other day for doing a 44 mile round trip.... going to get my push bike out next week just to please my bank manager....allthough the govt will find a way to tax cyclists soon no doubt.

