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First Aid training

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  • First Aid training

    Just thought I would pass something on in case anyones interested.

    I've been blethering on for years that First Aid Training should be compulsory so this year gave my whole family a first aid training day for Christmas (saved on wrapping at least)

    I booked it the other day with Red Cross. If theres 10 or more of you they will do it when and where you choose (depending on trainer availability)

    Without it occuring to me to negotiate on price they offered it to me at a reduced rate (from about £540) of £390 including VAT for 11 of us which is well worth it if you ask me. Its more than I would usually spend on a present but seems worth it as a one off.

    This is for their one day (7 hour) general first aid course.

    Just thought about it regarding the 4x4 centre accident thread. It often strikes me when we are offroading that you can be off the beaten track and out of phone signal quite often and this sort of thing can really make the difference.

  • #2
    That is excellent value for money ! we pay more than that for the St John service, and we must guarantee at least 12 trainees for the course !

    nice idea as well
    Death rides a Black Horse


    • #3
      I first learnt First Aid when I was about 10 thanks to St Johns Ambulance. Although I stopped as a teenager the knowledge never actually leaves, and did get used a few times.

      So yes it's always a very good idea just to get the basics.

      Due to where I work I'm now First Aid at Work certificated along with Oxygen therapy and AED. So unknown to some the annual Christmas bash has had a First Aided for the last few years.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #4
        I just did mine a few months back, well worth it. I'm fairly lucky though as the red cross come here for training and usually bring loads of great toys, last time they brought three hovercrafts, and some huge unimogs (and lots of awful looking things with green oval badges on the front)

