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Saving money on Fuel.......

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  • #31
    Originally posted by HONEST AL View Post
    Bit slow on the uptake me,had a lie in till ten,then a bacon butty,but I am going to give it a try tomorrow,hope its as good as you lot say,or I will set the wife on you.Alan
    Sorry Alan, don't think Bacon Butty's work !!

    [/QUOTE] adendum to above,my milkmans just told me he sticks all his old engine oil in the milkfloats tank,after slight filtration,surely you would need to filter out all or most of the crap before using it, comments welcomed .Alan[/QUOTE]

    Not summat I'd be happy with, I'll stick to me WVO/SVO

    nearly 10 years of Surfs
    "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
    Buncefield Burner


    • #32
      veggie oil

      Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
      Sorry Alan, don't think Bacon Butty's work !!
      adendum to above,my milkmans just told me he sticks all his old engine oil in the milkfloats tank,after slight filtration,surely you would need to filter out all or most of the crap before using it, comments welcomed .Alan[/QUOTE]

      Not summat I'd be happy with, I'll stick to me WVO/SVO

      nearly 10 years of Surfs
      "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"[/QUOTE]

      Jess,What about buying veggie from a wholesalers,we have "Fidlers For Fish"not too far from here,you know, in a big tub like they do in chippys,its got to be cheaper, Alan


      • #33
        Wherever ya find it cheaper Alan ....
        A mate of mine gets his "KTC" straight from the Chippy .... (he order's his n the Chippy just orders more) n he pays what the chippy pays for it ....
        Good Luck

        nearly 10 years of Surfs
        "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
        Buncefield Burner


        • #34
          Veggie oil

          Spent some of today trawling round the local Tescos and the like,chippys later on.
          The cheapest veg oil I found was Tescos own brand at £2.95 for 3 litres,the exact same bottle in Sainsburys was £1 dearer.
          Local wholesaler (via nice man in chippy) £21 for a 20 litre bottle,so the best value was Tesco,works out about 98p a litre.
          Bought 24 litres,will now mix about 50/50,fill tank and do a brim to brim and see what mpg it gives.
          Nice man in chippy said when he tried it his mpg went down so we shall see what transpires
          Anyone need some empty plastic bottles. Alan
          Last edited by HONEST AL; 16 March 2011, 01:14.

