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  • Rattle.

    Hi there, can anyone help me with my 3 liter surf.
    its got a strange rattle coming from some-were under the bonnet when accelarating, its quite loud and faster than the speed of the engine.
    i notice it at low speeds but then dont tend to stick my head out at pace.
    Can anyone help please.
    many thanks.
    D Davies.

  • #2
    Originally posted by dangerous davies
    Hi there, can anyone help me with my 3 liter surf.
    its got a strange rattle coming from some-were under the bonnet when accelarating, its quite loud and faster than the speed of the engine.
    i notice it at low speeds but then dont tend to stick my head out at pace.
    Can anyone help please.
    many thanks.
    D Davies.

    This may seem to easy an answer, but try tracing all wiring, check all covers, fixings and mounts.

    Anything trapped between bash plates, fans and so on.

    Other than that lost for ideas.


    • #3
      Hi I just had mine serviced, first UK 10k service so I treated it to a toyota service. The engineers noticed a rattle and it turned out to be a loose bolt, not tightened properly when they put a new cam belt in! Another 10k and it would have cause serious damage. May be worth checking it out.
      Nil illegitimi carborundum

