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Removable towbar on drop plate... picture heavy

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  • Removable towbar on drop plate... picture heavy

    Been a busy boy this morning and fitted my adjustable tow bar drop plate and its removable for off roading without ploughing or ripping the electrics off.

    Got this for £50 off ebay

    Got these from local bolt supplier for £5.... halfords wanted £5.40 for just 2

    This is what me towbar looks like bare

    Fitted the bit you usually fitt the ball too onto the towbar

    This gives me variable height and a removable part thats not going to plough any fields

    Fitted the ball and the electrics plate

    Existing electrics hidden up under the rear bumper

    All wired up and fitted, just need to strip down and paint it black so it don't look soo new and shiney....

    Now have to find storage space for this when not in use...

    I think it will do the job just fine.....
    Does need fetling as there is some side to side movement, only 1/4", as the plate with the ball on is not a snug fit in the piece bolted to the towbar.
    But i have a cunning plan............
    Remember arrows are silent.....................
    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

  • #2
    Nice work.

    Thats exactly what I'm planning to do once I find a second hand one thats long enough and near enough to me.

    Are those ones rated?


    • #3
      No rating on them but looks thicker material than the ones i have seen on landrovers......
      And it uses 2 pins the landy ones only use 1......
      Remember arrows are silent.....................
      Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


      • #4
        Similar (Single Bar,5/8" thick) to the one my Trucks been sporting for about 2 n half years n no probs .....

        "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          is ti a nice tight snug fit on yours

          I;ve just picked up one and fitted it to mine and am left with this..


          Which I'm sure isnt right at all


          • #6
            iv the exact same drop plate on my surf too


            • #7
              Originally posted by lawsy View Post
              is ti a nice tight snug fit on yours

              I;ve just picked up one and fitted it to mine and am left with this..


              Which I'm sure isnt right at all
              If ya referring to my Drop plate Steve, No mine doesn't have sideways play ...
              I'll see if I can get a Pic later

              10+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a " T " is my Yota
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Milners Have got, what seems to be very similar,for £54.No rating in the description,in fact no description!!

                Nice job by the way!!



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                  If ya referring to my Drop plate Steve, No mine doesn't have sideways play ...
                  I'll see if I can get a Pic later

                  was asking paul really as his posts says his has sideways movement too..

                  wondered if its as much as mine..

                  mine was only £18 complete with hitch too so cant complain, think i'm going to use some washers either side to take up the play..

                  should do the trick

                  paul, liking the idea of the hidden eletrics too, i was toying with cutting mine into the bumper, but hiding them, then make extensions sounds like a top idea


                  • #10
                    Mine did have play and i was thinking about washers either side but they would get lost and would be a pain in the rectum to place in the gap each time.
                    So i drilled through the side walls put a bolt from the inside out, then just ground the bolt heads down bit at a time till the removable part sits nice and snug in the middle.
                    Had no trouble at all.

                    Roger me sideways that looks dirty back there........
                    Remember arrows are silent.....................
                    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

