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On A lighter note

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  • On A lighter note

    Todays hot topic is to write 50 words on good things about your Surf without mentioning the words head, gasket, bull bars, London & Ken.

    Guess this thread will be short lived then.
    Last edited by Koi; 15 July 2004, 05:36.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

  • #2
    I nodded off at work. You know how night shifts are. Well, I had this dream. I was driving my Surf and crowds of people were looking and pointing. They were happy and smiling. I could hear the cheering. Then I realised what all the fuss was about.

    I was driving around London with Ken Livingstones head mounted on my bull bar. The crowd were going off their heads. In fact they were close to blowing a gasket.

    Do I get a prize?
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
      I nodded off at work. You know how night shifts are.
      Yep, I know how it is, but I get PAID to sleep
      '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


      • #4
        Originally posted by Koi
        Todays hot topic is to write 50 words on good things about your Surf without mentioning the words head, gasket, bull bars, London & Ken.

        Guess this thread will be short lived then.
        I've been thinking of importing some native american dreamcatchers (made from organic-naturally-shed-feathers-of-indigenous-avians), for mounting on the rear-view mirror, are any members interested ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by turbotommy
          I've been thinking of importing some native american dreamcatchers (made from organic-naturally-shed-feathers-of-indigenous-avians), for mounting on the rear-view mirror, are any members interested ?
          Nah, I'll stick to the traditional furry dice thanks, I'm an old fashioned guy.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Koi
            Todays hot topic is to write 50 words on good things about your Surf without mentioning the words head, gasket, bull bars, London & Ken.

            Guess this thread will be short lived then.
            The UK 4Runner/Surf is Lovely and smooth 3.0lt V6 engine or powerfull 3.0lt TD motor if the V6 is too thirsty. Import versions (Hilux Surf) also available with a 2.4TD. Handles offroad great with no dramas, while being smooth and comfy on the tarmac.

            Looks great, nice interier, good options, acres of room inside. legendary Toyota build quality.

            All the fun of a butch Hilux pickup, with a 4 door estate style body on top.


            • #7
              Great thread Koi, I just refer to my earlier post on my Amazing Surf. what I did not mention is that the clock shows 160000 Ks so she has done about 90000 miles before I got her

              It is so good I have had it SURFTIFICATED.
              Visit all the Surfin Elkhounds at [url="http://www.malenibo.co.uk/"]www.malenibo.co.uk[/url]


              • #8
                Originally posted by turbotommy
                I've been thinking of importing some native american dreamcatchers (made from organic-naturally-shed-feathers-of-indigenous-avians), for mounting on the rear-view mirror, are any members interested ?

                I like my surf so much I brought the wife one as well
                Yes I know its not 50 words
                I'm a custard donut monster


                • #9
                  Let's see now.... My Surf is 15 years old and apart from the seats getting a little threadbare it's damn nearly as good as new. It's just begun a new lease of life with an almost new gasoline engine, and a few other mechanical improvements because daily life is becoming a ratrace, and as all true competitors know, the important thing about races is to win them!

                  My Surf is that lovely subtle shade of green (someone recently called it pondscum green) and all the chrome is still perfect but it's not exactly a crowd puller - It just looks like a thousand others... which is about the coolest thing you could say about it.


                  • #10
                    my surf is big and scares old grannys in their rover 25's and micra's. it sounds really powerful and i can overtake slow tractors from the comfort of my arm chair like seat whilst having my arm on the door sill. it has a huge loadspace and even my 6'2'' self cant reach the back of it with out climbing onto the tailgate.
                    burning fuel has never been so much fun.
                    yeh......its ace!


                    • #11
                      Its amazing going down the road and you see all these new cars you could have bought with your cash and are so glad you did'nt.
                      I was on the verge of buying something else( I wont swear and mention it) untill i saw one of my golf buddies turn up in a (dare i say it) BLUE 2nd gen surf with all the gadgets.You know the boys toys winch ,loads of lights ,body lift,huge tyres,sat nav and full enteratinment system inside .
                      IT WAS THEN I HAD TO HAVE ONE!!!!!.
                      Of course i had to have a BLACK one coz they are the best and even with all the scaremongering ,i still think its the best care i have ever had.

                      Long shall i be a surfer

                      I know it more that fifty words ,but hey whose counting. OOPs 141 sorry!!!!!!!
                      I always work better wet .

                      Its why I became a plumber!!!


                      • #12
                        The drinks holder is right in front of the air vents and with the aircon on full it can cool a 500ml can of yer favourite drink from luke warm to drinkable cold in less than ten minutes!!!!!! Mmmmmmm I lurve my Surf!

                        Oh yeah, and people have walked up to it and looked into it and even opened the passenger door to have a better look at it, all thats in the last two days anyway!!! (there must be more but short term memory loss is, er, is er, bad for you?
                        ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


                        • #13
                          "Lovin it x 25=50
                          WD40 "He who Thinks Australian"

