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celica gen 7 seats

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  • celica gen 7 seats

    any one no if there'll fit in seen surf seats in a celica :S but that was a gen 4

  • #2
    I'll translate:

    Celica Gen 7 seats:

    Does anybody know if they'll fit a surf?

    I've seens Surf seats in a Celica gen 4.

    I hope I've been able to help.
    “Do or do not... there is no try.”


    • #3
      is it me have a bad dyslexic moment or is there something wrong with that sentence?
      has i can not read it sorry but theres something amiss here?
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
        I'll translate:

        Celica Gen 7 seats:

        Does anybody know if they'll fit a surf?

        I've seens Surf seats in a Celica gen 4.

        I hope I've been able to help.

        thank you

        any seat will fit anywere if you want it to fit then it will
        maybe a little weld here and there but i have fitted an astra seat in a jcb
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          lukenemma do you know what you do to us dylexics when you spell like that
          i thought i was tripping out dude
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Type 'Celica seats' into the search box and have a look.
            I just did so don't come back and say you couldn't find anything.


            • #7
              yes my spelling is really bad had to ave some 1 right for me at uni the macbook is meant to help with that but oh well . found something that say's they will fit from a gen 6 but not 7 this is really puzzling to me as i have put gen 7 seats n a gen 6 they just fitted strait in as do mr2's , so do i buy them or not ?


              • #8
                lukenemma the only way is the spell everything your self people will take the mik but you will learn
                check out some of my post from when i joined up

                i learn slowly but still learn and fek anyone else who thinks its hard to read say what you mean we will make sence of it
                well i will
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  hay half the time i just cheat go next door and ask greeley to right it lol


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      well dont
                      i asked my neece all the time
                      but it was not helping me realy

                      i used to go red faced while typeing just out of anger or embarsment
                      now i dont give a sheit i try to spell it and if its wrong tuff i try to spell it right the next time
                      or some clever bugga will tell me the right way of spelling it
                      like the word because
                      its just a patten to me on the keyboard and not a spelling

                      thats the habit i need to stop now
                      because when it comes to pen and paper i cant do the same has on a computre
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        any how
                        iam off on a rampage on just cause for now
                        just for the sake of it
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lukenemma View Post
                          yes my spelling is really bad had to ave some 1 right for me at uni the macbook is meant to help with that but oh well . found something that say's they will fit from a gen 6 but not 7 this is really puzzling to me as i have put gen 7 seats n a gen 6 they just fitted strait in as do mr2's , so do i buy them or not ?
                          Uni? what as, the cleaner?

                          I mean ffs "some 1" are you serious? never mind "ave" "right" ect.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                            Uni? what as, the cleaner?

                            I mean ffs "some 1" are you serious? never mind "ave" "right" ect.


                            • #15
                              right well i just got a set of gen 7 celica seats hopfully pick them up 2day and fit 2moro

