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lgv driving

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  • lgv driving

    My cousin has a 7.5t flatbed lorry he was going to get rid of.Now he knows i have my lgv licence he wants us to work together.What i would like to know is has anyone got any contacts for haulage at all as we plan to travel all over the place and are after any contracts for bringing back to the South west or on route back to the SW.
    If we can make things work then we will be looking at getting another lorry either with curtain sides or solid sides.If anyone can help with any contacts it will be great

  • #2
    My cousin used to work for a haulage firm - had to give up driving 10+ years ago cos of heart problems but stayed working there until fairly recently (last few years).

    I'll have a word and see if he has anything that might be useful to you.


    • #3
      Cheers Rusty that would be great


      • #4
        I'll have a word with the bosses when I'm back in on thursday,Richard.
        Are you looking for just driving over here or a bit of continental work aswell?
        We have a run from Kent to Wakefield on a weekly basis, is this any use?
        My brakes dont work, so i made the horn louder.


        • #5
          Originally posted by james-r View Post
          I'll have a word with the bosses when I'm back in on thursday,Richard.
          Are you looking for just driving over here or a bit of continental work aswell?
          We have a run from Kent to Wakefield on a weekly basis, is this any use?
          Thanks James
          If we can get work from down here up to London area then we can always go to kent and do collection and deliveries


          • #6
            PM me your address & I'll send you on the trade paper. It's got adverts for backloads, but you can start in reverse if you know what I mean. Like get a backload from where you are to somewhere & then a backload from somewhere near back to where you are. Simples.


            • #7
              Originally posted by murph View Post
              PM me your address & I'll send you on the trade paper. It's got adverts for backloads, but you can start in reverse if you know what I mean. Like get a backload from where you are to somewhere & then a backload from somewhere near back to where you are. Simples.
              Cheers Murph.Details on the way.We can also transport vehicles aswell as one can go on the lorry and we have 2 trailors 1 22' bed and 1 14' bed so we can do 3 vehicles as we got a 3.5t Iveco aswell


              • #8
                If you rely on backloads you'll be broke pretty quick-they never used to pay much more than the fuel when I was on General Haulage.


                • #9
                  Just emailed my cousin - I'll let you know if he gets back to me with any useful info.

