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Front brake overhaul

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  • Front brake overhaul

    Hi all, anyone know if it's possible to get a calliper overhaul kit to replace split rubber dust covers on the pistons? Or is it only possible to get new callipers? Had a look on Roughtrax and Milners and can just see complete callipers there.


  • #2
    Yes. It's possible to fet an overhaul kit...let me look a while.
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      Yes. It's possible to fet an overhaul kit...let me look a while.
      Thanks Gra, internet here (Egypt) is pretty rough so I'm struggling to find much out! We have people coming to join us in 3 weeks who could bring the spares, it's still working ok just now but partially seized.


      • #4
        Here you go.


        • #5
          Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
          Thanks Gra, internet here (Egypt) is pretty rough so I'm struggling to find much out! We have people coming to join us in 3 weeks who could bring the spares, it's still working ok just now but partially seized.
          We better help this fellow quick before the government over there sether their internet connections again.
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
            sether their internet connections again.
            what does that mean?
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #7
              20 odd quid from toyota
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                what does that mean?
                The other week the Egyptian government cut the countries internet. 1% of Egypt had internet - I assume this 1% was the government themselves.

                The internet works by numbered addresses called IP address. These are arranged into groups or ranges called subnets. Every internet router knows how to get to other internet routers by a process which each router advertises the subnets they can reach to their neighbors which then advertise this on and so on. The routers built a route table called a BGP table. BGP is the routing protocol on the internet. If you looked at the BGP routing table the other week when Egypt had been cut off there were hardly any Egypt routes. This means that even if traffic was able to leave Egypt, the device or networks the traffic reached would not be able to respond because they wouldnt know where or how to get back.
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  OK, first time I've seen the word 'sether'
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                    The other week the Egyptian government cut the countries internet. 1% of Egypt had internet - I assume this 1% was the government themselves.

                    The internet works by numbered addresses called IP address. These are arranged into groups or ranges called subnets. Every internet router knows how to get to other internet routers by a process which each router advertises the subnets they can reach to their neighbors which then advertise this on and so on. The routers built a route table called a BGP table. BGP is the routing protocol on the internet. If you looked at the BGP routing table the other week when Egypt had been cut off there were hardly any Egypt routes. This means that even if traffic was able to leave Egypt, the device or networks the traffic reached would not be able to respond because they wouldnt know where or how to get back.
                    ANORAK Alert

                    Сви можемо


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                      ANORAK Alert

                      haha, more like cut 'n' paste alert.
                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #12
                        I bought these repair seals off Ebay





                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                          OK, first time I've seen the word 'sether'
                          realy ?
                          sether to cut off
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                            realy ?
                            sether to cut off
                            Yorkshire term?
                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • #15
                              no thats seth armstrong
                              JAP4X4PART ¬ THE BIGGEST SURF BREAKER IN THE UK ¬

