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An Engine Transplant Idea

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  • An Engine Transplant Idea

    Hey BUSHWHACKER, could you fit this in in a Surf? engine you may need a slight bonnet scoop.
    You will definitely need a LPG conversion to make that economical
    Show me where the trench is at or can i make one!

  • #2
    I don't think there'll be room for an air filter, plus the fuel tank will need to be mounted on the roof.


    • #3
      Are they mud tyres on that thing? Where's the steering wheel? So Blue really is the fastest colour? I bet you get wet when it rains.

      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        This Guy does my head in ! He got that engine for pennies ! got us to help him move it , and just like the last Harrier he has a queue of people after the Olympus !.....I'm not really jealous

        Oh and then mounts it on an old bomb trolley for good measure !
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #5
          Originally posted by John h View Post
          This Guy does my head in ! He got that engine for pennies ! got us to help him move it , and just like the last Harrier he has a queue of people after the Olympus !.....I'm not really jealous

          Oh and then mounts it on an old bomb trolley for good measure !
          It's all in the packaging. Some people in Yorkshire pay over 10k for a house! (so I've heard)
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #6
            Yes yes yes, we wear our T shirts in winter, smoke tabs, live in shoe boxes,beat the kids soundly, I'm sure I've missed loads
            Death rides a Black Horse

