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Front Half shaft help needed

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  • Front Half shaft help needed

    I have just got round to try and put the half shaft that I took out of my scrapper but am stuck trying to get enough room to get it of the bolt studs by the dif...I managed it last time to remove from the scrapper but no joy this time.

    I have tried to knock the studs out but they wont budge..

    Any other tips or is it a case of go for a hot drink and come back to struggle some more?


  • #2
    i had trouble with my halfshafts when doing the cv boots. i had to slacken of the torsion bars in order th lift the wishbone parrallel to the floor. the only way i could get clearance. other than that undo the lower ball joint and pull hub back slightly maybe
    Completely bitten by the off road bug, and what better vehicle to do it in!


    • #3
      Give the studs a good spray with WD40 and a sharp knock with a hammer will get em out. Leave the nut on the last few threads to protect the stud threads.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Thanks Guys

        I had a coffee went back and got a lump hammer onto them and hey presto out they all came free

        I now cannot get it out even with the top ball joint free I cannot seem to get it to tilt...as Bushy said in the last time I asked...

        Bushy said "Releasing the top balljoint is easier, then you can tilt the hub assembly towards you which allows more room to get the shaft out"

        This worked on the scrapper but I don't seem to be able to shift it towards me this time.

        Any Ideas stuck in this position again but with top ball joint undone and ARB bolt removed


        Thanks for any help!!


