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  • Hello

    Just joined the forum

    Bought my first vehicle, Hilux surf 1991 (same age as me)

    It's on 180,000km
    2.4l diesel automatic

    Just wanted to get some suggestions on the first things I should do when I buy a car

    was thinking of buying a snorkel or something
    will probably change the air filter and oil

    I grew up on a farm, my family owns 3 hilux's

    they're awesome trucks

    I don't ever want to buy another brand of car...

    I don't see the point

    anyway i'm a newbie at cars and stuff and my so you guys will be my source of help thanks

    cheers fullas.

    Last edited by Koi; 8 February 2011, 08:39.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum. If you're not going to go bonnet deep in water then don't waste your money on a snorkel!

    Spend your money on giving the truck a good look over and a good service. Check the coolant system for leaks and maybe give it a good flush through, the main cause of cracked heads on the 2.4 is not maintaining the coolant system correctly.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      welcome along mate...got any pics of the surf?


      • #4
        Welcome, I used to like the ones that had the table tennis ball in a little cage on the top,
        Would probably be awkward getting in and out tho'
        Are you any good at holding your breath?
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Hi n Welcome it also pays to spend some time looking around the Forum to see what others suggest or have done to their Trucks.
          If ya can't find the answer "Ask the Question" somebody will be along to help...
          Ya may also wanna check out the NZ or Oz forum too
          Good Luck

          "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Hello welcome
            “Do or do not... there is no try.”


            • #7
              [QUOTE=vorcil;694994]Just joined the forum

              Bought my first vehicle, Hilux surf 1991 (same age as me)

              It's on 180,000km
              2.4l diesel automatic

              Just wanted to get some suggestions on the first things I should do when I buy a car

              was thinking of buying a snorkel or something
              will probably change the air filter and oil

              I grew up on a farm, my family owns 3 hilux's

              they're awesome trucks

              Hello, J C Why not spend your first few weeks of ownership doing some servicing and maintainance? Think about what you are going to do with your truck, and do the most basic and inexpensive mods first. You'll learn more about them as you go, and gain more confidence to do bigger mods as you decide what you really need......Cheers, and welcome......Mick.
              " Time wounds all heels ".


              • #8

                Hey thanks for the welcome all, I've been reading through a lot of threads just learning about stuff.

                I'll look up a tutorial on how to give my coolant system a good flush,

                I'm going on a 360km drive on friday (my first long drive in the truck)

                so i'll try get the coolant system looked at before I do this.


                any other things I should check? I want to keep the truck as cold as possible from what I've heard

                will probably get a bullbar aswell, I didn't think of checking it before I bought the truck
                that's okay though, i've seen them for sale for about $400 NZD
                Last edited by vorcil; 9 February 2011, 00:34.


                • #9
                  welcome dude
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #10
                    Make sure the transmission fluid is in good condition (red in colour, not brown, and is topped up to the correct level) and the rad is clean and free to do it's job. Make sure the fan is working properly and the cowling on rad is complete and in place, fixed securely.

                    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                    • #11
                      Hello welcome on board, enjoy your stay.

                      Fit a seperate transmission cooler and replace the auto rad with a manual version, or bypass the one in the bottom of the auto radiator, it's a main contributor to overheating on the 2.4 auto.

                      Modify the stock one
                      or fit an after market coolant temperature gauge.


                      • #12
                        I'm not quite sure I would be comfortable modifying the gauge

                        but I'll change the coolant fluid and add some sealer into it, that'll probably be the first thing I do


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vorcil View Post
                          I'm not quite sure I would be comfortable modifying the gauge

                          but I'll change the coolant fluid and add some sealer into it, that'll probably be the first thing I do

                          If you add sealer to the coolant, it'll cause problems later on.


                          • #14
                            Oh, I ment to do whatever this guy did



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vorcil View Post
                              Oh, I ment to do whatever this guy did

                              That guy needs a roll of gaffa tape wrapping around his mouth!

