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sbd16v, hello mate
That setup above you have looks interesting.
Vince, I just ordered a 16" fan which outputs 3000 & something cfm so glad to see it will do. I wasn't to sure. Maybe not the best time to ask but will you do me a nice set of them bonnet vents? Lexurf IV type ones
its deff tight in there i doubt ill even think about getting a turbo onto it for a long time this is ment to be a cheap replacment for the astra, i think if i tolf the missus i was turboing this atm she would kill me lol.
and to the floor i have a few questions that will deff seam silly for some of them lol but bear with me
ln130 etc means ??
i read you talking alot about T/C in the v8 conversion threads and i dont know what this is
will a later rear bumper fit onto mine ?
is fitting rear 3 point seatbelts (when you have lapbelts) as simple as, the mounts are already there and you just need to fit the belts.
what do people do suspension wise for replacment of springs shocks bushes etc ?
just for info i will prob do some green lanning but nothing serious so base the suspension answers more around a road set up.
whats the difference between at and mt tyres?
how good are surf brakes lol
thats just a few of my questions for now lol and thanks in advance