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  • Anyone want

    a cold? second bstd in three weeks, cant breath, cant taste owt, ache from head to toe, busting for a slash every soddin five minuits, plus my back's playing up, when i sneeze it feels like someone's stabbing in the back, totally chocca with it, i was in bed by 8oclock last night and up at the crack of lunchtime, and cant wait to get back in, flogged my old rear bars and the guy come to pick em up, just been or i'd be in bed now
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Well i feel on top of the world.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      I'm at deaths door Ian. Been in bed for 3 days now, taken flu tablets, Vicks Sinex, vapour rub etc and I still feel like sh!t warmed up.

      I blame all the b@stards at work who drag themselves in coughing and barking and spreading it around. I work in an office with two other guys and they've been coughing and sneezing for a fornight, no wonder I've got it.

      Oh and to add insult to injury they both had flu jabs!

      I'm ill, where's my tea and sympathy!
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        Sorry to hear your feeling wan, I work in retail, if you want to talk about germs you can pick come over here. He he.

        Bit of slightley mouldy bread toasted, then get 30 mins outside and some vigourous exercise and you'll be fine, farty but fine.

        works for me at least. coldcure= spread manure in the fresh air for an hour or so, cures all hehe.

        Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Calos View Post
          Bit of slightley mouldy bread toasted, then get 30 mins outside and some vigourous exercise and you'll be fine, farty but fine.

          Works for me at least. coldcure= spread manure in the fresh air for an hour or so, cures all hehe.

          Bugga me, with advice like that I'm pleased you're not my doctor!
          Last edited by Scorpion; 30 January 2011, 22:56.
          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            Get well soon mate. I'm on the second one in a few weeks as well but I'm no way near as bad as you are.
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              Touching wood I havent had a Cold for yonks now, I think its all the Pills I take for other things keeping it away...Ian get a Litre of Brandy down ya Mate..


              • #8
                Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                a cold? second bstd in three weeks, cant breath, cant taste owt, ache from head to toe, busting for a slash every soddin five minuits, plus my back's playing up, when i sneeze it feels like someone's stabbing in the back, totally chocca with it, i was in bed by 8oclock last night and up at the crack of lunchtime, and cant wait to get back in, flogged my old rear bars and the guy come to pick em up, just been or i'd be in bed now
                Hot toddies, Ian. Thats what you want.....Liberal amount of scotch, Beachams powders, lemon juice, honey, and hot water. Drink, and repeat several times (Don't overdose the Beachams). After a while, you'll be so sh1t faced, you'll forget you even had a cold!.....Feel better soon....Mick.
                " Time wounds all heels ".


                • #9
                  Cheer's all and sorry you have it as well Rich, i also had the flu jab and have felt more or less cack ever since, they slipped in the bird flu vaccine this time so i'm wondering if thats the prob, this is the first time in ages i've had a bad cold,
                  dont know about touching wood Dave but i nearly touched cloth, made the fatal mistake of coughing thank god i was at home and not out somewhere
                  thought id be in bed till lunchtime again but here i am soddin wide awake! try'd counting heater controll units but no good
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss

