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Any one commute by push bike in the dark?

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  • Any one commute by push bike in the dark?

    I am getting annoyed (terets)at being overtaken too close by cars in the dark, I use the light below but still get nearly side swiped by the odd car on the way home. Anyone have any really affective light or clothing that they have seen a marked difference since using it. (with the exception of getting back in my surf for the journey home!!)


    Last edited by madcampbell; 30 January 2011, 12:36.

  • #2
    It's not the lights mate it's the numpty drivers not paying attention, you could have 12 million candle power shining out of your backside & they would still hit you.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      That's true but when I upgraded my front lights I noticed a marked improvement. Cars actually pulling over and not taking my right of way as they were not sure if a push bike was coming or a motor bike. So want to do the same to the back accepting your point that there are many numpty drivers out there. If I can lessen the amount of near scrapes then It's worth a punt.




      • #4
        Best thing to do is not ride too near the pavement. Make sure you've got enough light on the back, obviously, and don't give them the chance to sideswipe you. Much as they'll hate it (and I do when I'm driving), you're a vehicle and you're entitled to the whole lane.


        • #5
          i did ride a bike for years before i got ill
          i rode on the pavment a lot
          fek what any one thinks
          some roads are not worth riding on are they

          the police gave me a few bollickings
          but fek em
          with loonys on the roads this day and age
          any chance to get to ride off the road do so
          life is far more importent than a 20 quid fine
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            you're a vehicle and you're entitled to the whole lane.

            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #7
              Originally posted by slobodan View Post
              Oh, yeah, and be careful. There's a lot of dickheads out there.


              • #8
                i say keep on the curb on bad roads its 20 quid fine 50 if drunk
                better than dieing at the hands of some boyracer

                i did this for years (not drunk) never got any fine ever
                i rode on the curbs for miles nothing said other than a few boolickings
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  I don't like road riding especially in the dark. Pavements are either not there or too busy to cycle on so it has to be the road. If I could find a cross country route I would as I am a mountain biker.

                  Road position dosn't help much if you stay too close to the curb you get squeezed passed, if you move too far out you get road rage. Somewhere inbetween you do ok but some muppets will still scrape down you side not taking into account the cyclist may have to avoid the craters in the road. Speed could be part of the issue as I average 19/20 mph and the roads I am on are 30mph.

                  Back to the question posted any better lights or gadget that has made a difference other than getting this fellw to watch my back while perched on my shoulder !!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by madcampbell View Post

                    Back to the question posted any better lights or gadget that has made a difference other than getting this fellw to watch my back while perched on my shoulder !!
                    This is what they did 'back in the day':


                    • #11
                      Looks like this guy collects those bits off the road in the daylight


                      • #12
                        Ride confidently and positively. Dont dither. Dont ride in the gutter. No need to ride out in the middle of the road constantly, but at junctions / roundabouts etc, centre yourself in the lane so no-one can squeeze you against the kerb etc, and stay out there until clear if the junction.

                        Wave a thankyou at people who give way etc, and kick the wing mirror off the cars of tw@ts who try to kill you.

                        (That last bit only applies if you're a big bloke who's a bit handy - otherwise 'your results may vary )

                        As far as lights go, I have a large flashing red on the back, and a Hope 400 lumen on the front. Looks like a motorbike I try to do most of my commute offroad though, as the roads are too scary.
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Apache View Post
                          I try to do most of my commute offroad though, as the roads are too scary.

                          I was safer doing a tandem freefall from 13000 ft the other day than just riding home on the push bike!! In fact it wasn’t as scary as some of the numpties that pass me occasionally.

                          Funnily enough I have caught up with 3 cars so far after they have barged passed or cut me up just to get stuck in traffic 50 meters ahead....@ 6ft 2 and 14 stone they tend to lock their doors and not engage in the conversation I am having with them...it's amazing the look of "what did I do"

                          I haven’t kicked any doors yet but have removed the wing mirror off a car as I went over their bonnet adding a couple of dints on the way….the old indicate right them just swing left instead. I was going too fast to stop but rolled with it and came to no harm.

                          I would love to be off road but have no other route


                          • #14
                            Get ten mates and ride in a pack like fecin deranged mongrels.
                            With no regard for the queue of 20 motors stuck behind you.

                            You can then all swear and moan when I squeeze by at 12mph.


                            Pay road tax and drive, or take the Bus


                            • #15
                              I have about an 8 mile commute on bike, most of it on cyclepaths, 1/4 of a mile or so on road. And you can bet every scrape I've had has been on that 1/4 mile.

                              You have to be seen, I have a cateye on the seatpost and one on the back of my reflective rucksack.

                              19/20 mph is a good average! I work in the highest point in the county so it's all f*cking uphill!
                              Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™

