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Any one commute by push bike in the dark?

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  • #31
    nuff said
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #32
      It really is a hate hate relationship.
      I have experianced both sides myself, as during the summer we regularly get an aggression of cyclists owning the New Forest roads, and if you try to overtake they will pull out on you pushing you towards the offside ditch. Also I have had a LR Discovery overtake me on a single car width cattle grid (I wasn't going slow becuase I was racing my previous best time, and winning untill that point).

      Personally I do not cycle to work as my commute is on a road unsafe (IMHO) for cyclists due to the speed differance, there is plenty of width as I others have more guts than me and do cycle it, I probably annoy following car drivers because I will not overtake a cyclist if there is oncoming traffic as I want to give them as much room incase they hit a pothole or swearve for some reason. What does really frighten me is when I come across a cyclist on a dark bike, wearing dark clothing, and no lights. At the national speed limit they just appear out of the dark in a moments glance, and their numbers are increasing, it used to be one or two a month, now I'm seeing at least one a week.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #33
        The most abusive thing I've ever said to anyone on a push bike was "Get some lights!" black bike black clothes not one reflector and on a motorway.

        Other than that, I always give way to horse riders and bikes, or wait till it's safe to pass. (as in your a good 2 meters away from the rider)

        If it where possible get some flashing blue styling lights and mount them on back. Suprising how careful discurtious drivers will becomes when the "oh might be the police" neuron fires.

        Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.


