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Wind turbines

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  • Wind turbines

    At last... the Dutch government are seeing the farce that wind turbines are, they are cutting all future finance for these schemes...

    Back in the day Baby

  • #2
    The farm I shoot over is putting up another 3, so there must be money in it for the farmers
    3rd gen 3.0 SSR-V '98 R


    • #3
      there is/was... an energy source that is so intermittent...and so maintenance heavy per kilowatt...
      The Dutch have woken up...

      Back in the day Baby


      • #4
        Same as the Solar Panel offer, you get free power the rest goes into the Grid to be sold on the wholesale market
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #5
          Seeing the amount of cash spent on the farm since the first 3 went up, I have little doubt that there's good money in it for the farmers. The ones here are on a good site, and never stop turning, unless it's actually quite windy, when they "overspeed" stop.
          3rd gen 3.0 SSR-V '98 R


          • #6
            Not against green energy... tidal yes, its predictable... wind farms are maintenance heavy, the USA are discovering this and its falling apart..

            also you need to keep a hot standby (conventional generator) running to cover it when the wind drops off...

            Back in the day Baby

