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My Dog

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  • My Dog

    Hi, took my working cocker spaniel pup 7 month old for a walk the other day, called in to grab some lunch picked up a nice duck wrap, on the way home called in to see a mate stopped the truck and got out after 2 mins of chat from the corner of my eye i see the dog at my drivers window then seconds later his paw lands on the lock, all four doors shut o no keys inside panic, he turns and grabs my lunch and sets about eating it wagging his tail, its as if he planed it,ok i had left the keys on the dash after 40 mins with wire and some bending of the door managed to hook the keys and get in :

  • #2
    Mine did a similar thing but lucky for me i had just opened the boot as he hit the button, he didn't scoff my pack up though.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      Hi Wes. Classic, mate! I know the feeling. Ive got two working Cockers, Radley and Milo. A week before the MOT was due, last year, they chewed through one of the rear seatbelts! Have you got any pics of your pup to post? Here are some of R & M....Cheers....Mick.
      Attached Files
      " Time wounds all heels ".


      • #4
        Originally posted by MWS View Post
        Hi Wes. Classic, mate! I know the feeling. Ive got two working Cockers, Radley and Milo. A week before the MOT was due, last year, they chewed through one of the rear seatbelts! Have you got any pics of your pup to post? Here are some of R & M....Cheers....Mick.
        What beautiful dogs!

        I like your comment under your avatar too...always only has one l in it though...
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #5
          My Shitsu did a naughty in the back, on the carpet, dirty boy
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
            What beautiful dogs!

            I like your comment under your avatar too...always only has one l in it though...
            Hey. Phil. thanks for the comment. That signature has been there for ages, and I had'nt spotted it! Must have hit the key twice.....Cheers....Mick.
            " Time wounds all heels ".


            • #7
              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
              My Shitsu did a naughty in the back, on the carpet, dirty boy
              There's a joke in there, somewhere!
              " Time wounds all heels ".


              • #8
                my old dog (god rest his sole) he never did nothing wrong in my car any car i had he got the front seat
                and he would go for anyone who would try to take it off him

                my mate came for me years ago when i was healthy and working
                he came in a hire car to pick me up
                i was sat on the drive with the dog
                has he opend the door spike jumped in and would not get out
                so my mate said he will be ok for a bit lets have a cuppa before we set off
                he shut the car door and we went in

                after 20 mins or so we went out and the dog had ragged the gearstick head rests and the back seat was ripped out

                i could not stop laffing it cost 250 quid in fines from avis
                witch i did not think was bad

                god knows why he olny ever did it to that car and no other

                made me chuckle
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  Working cocker, our Edie at around 5 months.
                  Attached Files
                  3rd gen 3.0 SSR-V '98 R


                  • #10
                    This is mitch, my 9 year old failed ex working cocker. His nickname is the undertaker as he had a habit of burying the birds he was meant to retrieve
                    He got a glowing report from my friend who said he was no trouble in the back of his landy, until he realised mitch had eaten his lunch lol

                    and if you think cockers are fun.......you should try a Brittney spaniel


                    • #11
                      I have seven show cocker spaniels four dogs ,three bitches, they have got to be one of the most laid back dog breeds, great temperment and characters though two dogs fighting can do real damage to each other. The only breed of dog I have ever really taken to.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by soramad View Post
                        I have seven show cocker spaniels four dogs ,three bitches, they have got to be one of the most laid back dog breeds, great temperment and characters though two dogs fighting can do real damage to each other. The only breed of dog I have ever really taken to.
                        Any dog can turn fruit loops in a second.

                        A mate of the wife has a phobia about dogs because their family pet, fantastic temprement, lovely dog, just suddenly lost it one day and pretty much ripped her husband's throat out. Thankfully he survived but the dog had to be put down.

                        The cause? An undiagnosed brain tumour was apparently putting pressure on the brain and it just grew to a critical size where it put pressure on a certain part of the dog's brain...

                        <EDIT>Incidentally, I've got a couple of Aussie Sheepdogs (Kelpies).


                        • #13
                          My dog gets so excited when I take her to the park she tries to jump into the boot by herself. Doesnt matter if you say sit or wait she just does it any way. The thing is the truck is too tall for her, she is only a staff. I'll happily lift her in but she still tries to jump out of my arms. Except when I'm not looking she tries and then falls over. Last time she managed to hurt herself as she was limping for a day or so

                          The other time I took her out I went to let the rear window down from inside and she jumped in, on the seat then jumped in the back and dirtied the seats!
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #14
                            my old dog was the same dieselboy
                            i cured it by setting to car up ready before i got the dog
                            i would open the boot and he would walk in off the drive wall and sit in the front seat
                            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MWS View Post
                              Hi Wes. Classic, mate! I know the feeling. Ive got two working Cockers, Radley and Milo. A week before the MOT was due, last year, they chewed through one of the rear seatbelts! Have you got any pics of your pup to post? Here are some of R & M....Cheers....Mick.

                              Hi.My daughter loved the pictures of your dogs,she wants a brown one now! Seatbelts ohh no..mines not chewed anything inside the truck yet..anything loose he sees his fair game,there great dogs
                              Attached Files

