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Brain fart driving lights.......

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  • #31
    Ahhh, I'm glad we're 'all on the same page' again. You might even say, 'my ladder is up against your wall', and 'all our Iguanas are in one sock'

    I think these lights are absolutely perfect for offroad use - better than ones built as 'driving lamps' in fact. Paul, I was toying with using the 35mm ones as they'll disappear nicely in 50mm tube, and will produce that same wide wash of light. Being 30W maximum, 10 of them isn't electrically a big deal (nor is 500W to be honest - I used to run 4 x 130W on my bumper!)

    It's something to play with, and if its crap when I finish it, its cost me all of £14 - £15 including relay and cable!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #32
      I drive off road a lot at night, generally with no lights on..................


      • #33
        I think this is quite a good idea. It is certainly going to make midnight dogging less of a lottery.


        • #34
          Like the "out the box" thinking going on here........

          Its a shame the lamps are so badly shaped at the rear, the way they taper.
          No real way to hold them other than by the rim.... ouch!

          Going to grab some cheap screwfix mounts (£1.47) for the silicone cable and proper conector.....

          Been talking to IT guy who runs Peak Sound & Light and he said that the little lamps run quite hot, probly hotter than a 55w headlight due to the compactness.
          He runs a rig with these lamps arranged as power meter tracking the music, and says they are great little lamps.....
          Remember arrows are silent.....................
          Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

