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crazy insurance premiums

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  • crazy insurance premiums

    A plan been with them for 5 years last year was £500 for 92 reg 2.4 surf Manchester postcode 55 years old named driver no convictions and full no claimes just got renewal and now £930......

    tried one or two of the sites mentioned on here and they are all in excess of £1000

    Cheapest so far is from moneysupermarket which comes in at £666.65

    any other people getting stupid quotes?

  • #2

    Direct Line £473 interesting because a couple of years ago they would'nt touch an import.....


    • #3
      Thats not good! Have they given you any reason ?
      If it can be broken it can be fixed


      • #4
        Usually, if you apply as a new customer the quote is much lower.


        • #5

          Yes I live in Manchester and we are all thieves and vandals.....also QBE have pulled out of motor insurance as they reckon they were making a loss for every £1 they get in they spend £1.20 So brokers had to shop around, Really p%*s's me off we get ripped off at the pumps and have to pay what we are told and insurance companies just make up there own rules. Still I am happy with current quote as it is cheaper than last years so that is a result...


          • #6
            I just got mine done at Footman James

            Was having trouble finding the 3.4 V6 on most insurance database's, but they just adjusted based on what they thought it should be. Very helpful.

            Their original quote was £660 fully comp with breakdown, unlimited mileage and all the extras + protected no claims. But I told them I had a quote of £490 already and they brought down their quote to £467!! Was mucho happy!

            They give discount if you mention you are a member of a car club, so mentioned this site.

            Tel: 0843 357 1909
            Take your words, put them on a plate, add a little bit of humble pie, and eat them!


            • #7
              Click image for larger version
              Name:	insurance quotes.jpg
              Views:	1
              Size:	21.7 KB
              ID:	1253715
              wnat a good laught look at these quotes


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shaft120 View Post
                I just got mine done at Footman James

                Was having trouble finding the 3.4 V6 on most insurance database's, but they just adjusted based on what they thought it should be. Very helpful.

                Their original quote was £660 fully comp with breakdown, unlimited mileage and all the extras + protected no claims. But I told them I had a quote of £490 already and they brought down their quote to £467!! Was mucho happy!

                They give discount if you mention you are a member of a car club, so mentioned this site.

                Tel: 0843 357 1909
                Great just phoned them and they wont do it......


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pete27 View Post
                  Great just phoned them and they wont do it......
                  Tip for some of you fellas. Get a traders policy. They'll insure anything at all and all you have to do to stay 100% on the good side of them is add a couple of cars to your policy each year. This can be your mates car, your wife's car, anything. Just get them to put it on the MID for a day and you are now a part time trader. You should pay about £500 a year at the most for a part time trade policy.

                  Try this lot: http://www.dna-insurance.com/motor-trade-insurance.html there are many others.

                  Off topic but "Footman James" is the most bizarre name ever. It sounds like some kind of medieval man-servant.
                  En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
                    Off topic but "Footman James" is the most bizarre name ever. It sounds like some kind of medieval man-servant.
                    Or a bloke called Jim with a thing for heels...
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Or a bloke called Jim with a thing for heels...

                      En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
                        Off topic but "Footman James" is the most bizarre name ever. It sounds like some kind of medieval man-servant.

                        It sounds like some kind of medieval "man-servant" if only part of that we're true
                        Ross, we wouldn't have trouble finding Insurers .....

                        "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                        Buncefield Burner


                        • #13
                          Just renewed thru' A-Plan this morning, £306.95 - about £48 up on last year, apparently due to premiums increasing as a result of all the claims of last winter.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DaveHMS View Post
                            Just renewed thru' A-Plan this morning, £306.95 - about £48 up on last year, apparently due to premiums increasing as a result of all the claims of last winter.
                            it is a postcode thing obviously us mancs are considered to be too high a risk


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shaft120 View Post
                              I just got mine done at Footman James

                              Was having trouble finding the 3.4 V6 on most insurance database's, but they just adjusted based on what they thought it should be. Very helpful.

                              Their original quote was £660 fully comp with breakdown, unlimited mileage and all the extras + protected no claims. But I told them I had a quote of £490 already and they brought down their quote to £467!! Was mucho happy!

                              They give discount if you mention you are a member of a car club, so mentioned this site.

                              Tel: 0843 357 1909

                              Amazing that they can knock off 200 quid just like that, if only they would reduce their quotes by that amount to start with, they'd get a lot more business.

