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Taking a Surf to Switzerland

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  • Taking a Surf to Switzerland

    So, all going well I'll be moving to Switzerland in a couple of months and am undecided what to do about my beloved Surf.

    My head says; sell it, it would be crazy to take a Japanese import right hand drive car to a country that is left hand drive, getting parts/insurance would be impossible or astronomically expensive.

    My heart says; It's a beautiful Surf and it's only done 50k miles so it'll run without problems for at least another 300k

    Anyone any ideas about taking a Surf to mainland Europe and getting parts?

    Cheers, Mike.
    Love Surfs, know nothing.

  • #2
    Doesn't the Swiss have very strict laws on cars and modifications in particular? It would be wise I think to look up the laws regarding importing a vehicle. I'm guessing you would need to register it over there too.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      I can't speak for Switzerland,but here in France I have no problem with parts! I use Roughtrax,or Richard!! Delivery to Europe is £15 for 30 kgs,and arrives in 2 days.
      My insurance is 600€,but includes full business,and breakdown recovery(which is automatically included here in France).
      The only thing I would check out if I was you is the re-registration procedure as "Greys" in France are a major PIA to get into the system,this may or may not be the case in SWitzerland.
      Final consideration would be how much will it cost you to buy an equivalent LHD 4x4,if it's like here it could cost you up to 8000€
      I don't have a problem driving a RHD car on the right,but each to their own.

      Best of luck with the move,Mike

      Last edited by s car go; 9 January 2011, 09:19.


      • #4
        In Serbia I went to a local motor factors and got belt/tensioner/pulley for 100 Euros.
        Filters and consumables are not hard to come by.
        Just keep it on British plates, not a problem as long as you are British.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Sorry... I thought the title said SUNDERLAND.

          Switzerland, you'll be fine.
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #6
            Re registering vehicle

            Most countries allow you 6 months on existing british plates. You are then expected/required to register and use Swiss plates, insurance and equivalent roadworthyness examination. If you get caught outside this period, depending what country you are in at the time of the offence, you will not get the car back and you will experience a rather hefty fine. Spain for example have just introduced rather draconian laws over speeding, over 200kph car is destroyed, and large fine, even if it is a hire car or one borrowed. Also over a certain limit of alcohol, car destroyed and hefty fine. Europe have suddenly discovered this new way of taxing people, which Britain have been doing to motorists for donkeys years. So find out before you go, contact the Swiss Embassy or look online.


            • #7
              You are mad even thinking about it, sell it and buy something with the steering wheel on the side that gives you some chance of seeing past the bus slowing you down.


              • #8
                Not sure about Switzerland but as said in France its possible but not easy.

                Just got back from a Holiday in the alps lovely place but the traffic system in Geneva was crazy ended up down a tram/bus lane lol

                What do you do out there if you don't mind me asking?


                • #9
                  I presume that this thread is written solely so that your Surf doesn't find out it is heading for a visit to the Dignitas clinic?

