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BMW driver

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  • BMW driver

    I found this quote..

    As A BMW driver, I get a bit fed up with people giving out about our lack of use of indicators. I have 2 points to make.

    1. I know where I’m going, so I don’t need them.

    2. It’s none of your business where I’m going anyway.

    Back in the day Baby

  • #2
    Its not just BMW drivers either.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vultch View Post
      I found this quote..

      As A BMW driver, I get a bit fed up with people giving out about our lack of use of indicators. I have 2 points to make.

      1. I know where I’m going, so I don’t need them.

      2. It’s none of your business where I’m going anyway.

      Totally agree, my wife drives my X5 !


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vultch View Post

        1. I know where I’m going, so I don’t need them.

        2. It’s none of your business where I’m going anyway.
        That's why BMW drivers are also known as clits.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Originally posted by slobodan View Post

          That is a great word


          • #6
            Originally posted by gbv2 View Post
            That is a great word
            It's a known fact that every c**t has one.
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"

