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Just a thought

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  • Just a thought

    My hotmail 'junk' box usually fills up with 50 or 60 emails a day from Africans asking for telephone / passport etc details, and 'banks' asking me to submit my account password details.

    Also, I use 'whocallsme.com' to find out who the spam calls I get are from.

    See where I'm going with this?

    I just spent a happy 1/2 hour replying to said Africans with a number they can get me on, then marking their emails as phishing scams...

    Perhaps if these cocks who keep calling me about competitions I've won, or asking me to claim for accidents I've never had have their phones jammed by African Bankers, they wont have time to bother me anymore? Two birds, one stone!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    I have never had a Nigerian letter.

    Heard about them, but never received one.

    Word has it in Nigeria that I'm skint.
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #3
      I've had a couple of African lottery wins and a couple of people wanting to put millions into my account to start a business that a recently dead relative gave them, never responded though but I like apaches idea however I have been getting phoned on my mob by a mob number saying I've been accepted for a loan that I didn't actualy apply for??? Every single person I spoke to was of middle eastern origin putting it politely trying to confirm my details. They keep phoning every half hour after me saying take my details off your database or else so if anybody has come across this number or wants to give it to some Nigerian the number is 07589 001202 I'm not the only one who has a prob with this Num according to that whocalledme.com


      • #4
        Genius Andy. You're busy then?
        Fit for http://www.419eater.com/index.php


        • #5
          It works!

          Had an email off one of them.

          "Ok - I call you not anser"

          So I replied "Keep trying. I've been outside"

          Now I've tagged it as 'phishing scam' so he will go straight to my junk mail
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Excellent.... run up his phone bill...


            Back in the day Baby


            • #7

              I take it you got that text the other day about "you could be entitled to £3750 for your recent accident" as well then!
              Oh Nana, what's my name?

