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happy new year surfers,also glowplugs !

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  • happy new year surfers,also glowplugs !

    hi everyone on here, happy new yr to you all.
    i started off he new year by fitting my new glowplugs that arrived on christmas eve due to post hpld up, now fitted the truck wont start!! turns over but not happy about starting, i did manage to get it to fire with a little magic start spray, but tryed a bit later and still not starting? any ideas please.
    when i removed the old glows i did leave the battreys connected if that helps?

  • #2
    I don't have a solution, but I do have a similar problem. Replaced mine a week ago, and they seem to barely be working. It will start, but it takes a lot of cranking, and I doubt that it will start on her own for me today (-6C outside right now, it was having trouble when it was above freezing)

    The old dead plugs were fatter at the top, and got skinnier at the tip. these ones stay fatter the whole way. Did they give me the wrong part? The shop I got them from was closed last week, so I'm gonna to talk to them monday and see if they have any ideas.


    • #3
      Make sure the leads that attach the glow plug rail isn't earthily, if the rail and wiring is good try your glow plug relay in the passenger side wing orchids is good it will be the glow plug solenoid next to the relay, looks like a round cylinder with two chunkyish wires coming off them, I had the same prob and replaced everything but still wouldn't start and mine turned out to be the solenoid. Use a volt meter on it to see if there is any voltage if there is it should click after a few seconds if you don't get either replace it. Should cure your prob.


      • #4
        Originally posted by maxwell-1 View Post
        when i removed the old glows i did leave the battreys connected if that helps?
        Tip number one. Always disconnect negative battery terminals when working on a vehicle.

        Check the Glow Plug Fuse on drivers side. If blown remove fuse box and replace, They are bolted in from the bottom so don't try to remove without doing this.

        If fuse is blown make sure there is not a short at the glow plug bar. There's a couple of insulators that have to be installed correctly, to prevent shorts.



        • #5
          hi nev i.ll have a look at fuse,i take it is on drivers side under the fuse box ,so i need to remove box to cheak or is there an easyer way to see it? i'll also cheak the relay, cheers all.


          • #6
            its the 80amp fuse in the main fuse box on the driver side in the engine bay mate, it has a plastic see through top on it so you can see if its blown or not, what nev was meaning was if it blown make sure you disconnect the batts and to get it out the fuse box you have 2 10mm bolts holding the fuse box to the engine bay, once you have indone them take the bottom of the fuse box off there a catch in each corner and then you push the 80amp glow plug fuse and 100amp alt fuse through the box once it is out there is 2 screws holding each fuse in, undo them and you can release the fuse and change it. thats only if it is blown though if it isnt check the posts above for other things to check.


            • #7
              thats great,i will take a look in the morning,many thanks


              • #8
                Photo guide here...


                • #9
                  hi thanks for that,the removeal guide will help alot, and yes the fuse has blown,hope they are easy to find replacements,will have a look on ebay,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by maxwell-1 View Post
                    hi thanks for that,the removeal guide will help alot, and yes the fuse has blown,hope they are easy to find replacements,will have a look on ebay,

                    Halfords or motorist shops sell them, look on the odds 'n' sods rack where all the packs of nuts, bolts fuses are, they're around 4.99 each.


                    • #11
                      cheers for that i will drop in to local motor factors tomorrow, is there a pic of one on here so i can show them?


                      • #12
                        Same as this........
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          top man,many thanks.
                          hope this sorts it out,
                          and thanks to all who helped so far i;ll post up again when i change it.


                          • #14
                            hi again,
                            got hold of fuse ok today today and fitted with no worrys,but it blow straight away so must be a short somewhere me thinks,, all i can do is put up on here what i did and see if i was right,
                            when i removed the one plugs i replaced as i went ,glows went in the hole with black washer type thing on top put bar back on next followed by the new nut,
                            i did have to remove the wire bit in middleof bar as well but im sure i put that back together the same way it was removed,but if someone knows if on this bit is the black plastic bit on last with the nut on top or does it go between on on first????


                            • #15
                              Hi Maxwell,

                              Have look here.


                              the wiring terminals must not touch the metal stud on the manifold.

                              Hope this helps

                              If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.

