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waste veg oil... how do i use it as diesel?

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  • waste veg oil... how do i use it as diesel?

    Hi all, you ay have read my other thread asking where sells cheap 100% biodiesel in north east. well the cheapest i found was 90p/l locally but couldnt get it in smaller amounts than 200L which is just silly... anyway, iv managed to source cheap used vegetable oil at 48p/L, The Oil has been sieved, processed and water taken out, whatever that means! lol iv never ran a diesel on veg oil so im new to all this so please be kind!! can i put this stuff straight in my tank and run it as is or do i need to do anything to it at all? i was going to mix it 50/50 with normal diesel from the pump, any suggestions would be a great help please! cheers!

  • #2
    Good for you for wanting to try but do some reading first and don't trust that your supplier has done all they say they have.
    Check here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15893
    and here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=55767

    Main thing with your oil is to get a small amount, heat up a dry frying pan or saucepan and pour a little in. If it spits, it still has water in- don't use it until you've made sure its dry.

    I've run mine on veg for years and it runs lovley (or is it 'lovely' I'm never sure, so many people spell it like that these days... )
    Last edited by biosurf; 24 December 2010, 02:19.


    • #3
      Originally posted by biosurf View Post
      Good for you for wanting to try but do some reading first and don't trust that your supplier has done all they say they have.
      Check here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15893
      and here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=55767

      Main thing with your oil is to get a small amount, heat up a dry frying pan or saucepan and pour a little in. If it spits, it still has water in- don't use it until you've made sure its dry.

      I've run mine on veg for years and it runs lovley (or is it 'lovely' I'm never sure, so many people spell it like that these days... )
      thats a good read and answers a lot of questions! i still have a couple though, is it better to use brand new veg oil bought direct from a supermarket say, or is waste oil just as good? if not better?
      also does anyone have a current price of veg oil in supermarkets etc?


      • #4
        its nearly as much as diesel in asda now, I had problems starting when using clean oil straight in a 50/50 mix but once it fired up it seemed to sound smoother on the veg. Biosurf's right but I think he has heaters for his oil to thin it out, I read its possible to mix a bit of thinners/turps/white spirit to oil thinning it out enough while raising the flashpoint to make starting/running better. The way things are looking we'll have no choice in the matter soon, its either run on veg or get a mortgage out for a full tank. H


        • #5
          I do have a heat exchanger but it's one that uses coolant to heat it so only thins the oil when the engine is up to temp.
          You can mix up to 10% petrol to the oil to help thin it and to be on the safe side you can throw some diesel in too. Better to mix the petrol before adding the oil to the tank


          • #6
            on the top gear vid for running on veg oil he mixes a tiny amount of white spirit in to thin the oil.

            I really dont like the thoughts of putting any petrol into a diesel engine though, over time its a receipe for disaster. When i worked for toyota there was so many cars came in when numptys put petrol into a diesel engine by acciendent and it can cause seriously damage.

            from i can gather, the supermarkets veg oil are not much cheaper than diesel at the pump! i can still get the WVO for 48p/l though so i think thats gonna be my best bet.

            What did u mean by 'drying' the veg oil before i use it? i thought it was a case of seiving it and running it through a thin cloth to filter any particles out, thinning it out with white spirit/ mixng with deisel and sticking it in my tank? forginve me if im wrong though!


            • #7
              If it has any water in it you have to leave it for a few weeks for any water to settle to the bottom.

              If it doesnt spit when you put it in a hot pan it's fine though.

              Adding petrol is fine when added up to 10% it won't cause any damage or any seriously damage either...

              Why worry so much about throwing a bit of petrol in the tank when you're thinking of putting the contents of someones chip pan in there?


              • #8
                Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                If it has any water in it you have to leave it for a few weeks for any water to settle to the bottom.

                If it doesnt spit when you put it in a hot pan it's fine though.

                Adding petrol is fine when added up to 10% it won't cause any damage or any seriously damage either...

                Why worry so much about throwing a bit of petrol in the tank when you're thinking of putting the contents of someones chip pan in there?
                because i know diesel engines were originaly deisnged to run on veg oil (peanut oil) for farmers to use thier own fuel, they wernet designed to run on petrol but i see what you mean though it was thin the oil out very well. im gonna give this a shot after xmas!


                • #9
                  where you getting the waste oil from, I'm in seaham and have nowhere to store stuff for settling etc so I wouldn't mind cheap waste oil myself to save on the ridiculous prices of diesel. H


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                    where you getting the waste oil from, I'm in seaham and have nowhere to store stuff for settling etc so I wouldn't mind cheap waste oil myself to save on the ridiculous prices of diesel. H


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                      where you getting the waste oil from, I'm in seaham and have nowhere to store stuff for settling etc so I wouldn't mind cheap waste oil myself to save on the ridiculous prices of diesel. H
                      ebay mate its a fella down beside the alexander bridge.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by w33lerd33ler View Post
                        on the top gear vid for running on veg oil he mixes a tiny amount of white spirit in to thin the oil.

                        I really dont like the thoughts of putting any petrol into a diesel engine though, over time its a receipe for disaster. When i worked for toyota there was so many cars came in when numptys put petrol into a diesel engine by acciendent and it can cause seriously damage.

                        from i can gather, the supermarkets veg oil are not much cheaper than diesel at the pump! i can still get the WVO for 48p/l though so i think thats gonna be my best bet.

                        What did u mean by 'drying' the veg oil before i use it? i thought it was a case of seiving it and running it through a thin cloth to filter any particles out, thinning it out with white spirit/ mixng with deisel and sticking it in my tank? forginve me if im wrong though!

                        Don't believe the 3 stooges on anything, they don't know a lot and just repeat what they have heard.
                        You need to do some research on the oil you are using and how cold can it go before it starts to gell up (cloud point). Get some clean and dry jars, put some of your waste oil in them and leave them outside for a couple of days.

                        You can also put 5% and 10% petrol in a couple of the jars and then mark them up. see how much each has gelled up and in (roughly whqat temps).

                        Running just veg in your tank now can cause you some problems if the oil thickens up and you are trying to start the thing. I have flattened both batteries like that before.

                        Also think about a fphe (flat plate heat exchanger) but only a coolant one not an electric one.

                        As mentioned before make sure that you oil is free from watre and that you cold filter it at the temperature you intend to use it. No good filtering in a warm shed and them puting it in the tank as overnight more of it goes solid and blocks your fuel pick up and may even gell in your fuel lines.

                        Don't be put off though you can make very good savings, start looking around for some free oil, lots of it out there.

                        Hope all that helps.
                        l'm FAME-ous!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kamaangir View Post
                          Don't believe the 3 stooges on anything, they don't know a lot and just repeat what they have heard.
                          You need to do some research on the oil you are using and how cold can it go before it starts to gell up (cloud point). Get some clean and dry jars, put some of your waste oil in them and leave them outside for a couple of days.

                          You can also put 5% and 10% petrol in a couple of the jars and then mark them up. see how much each has gelled up and in (roughly whqat temps).

                          Running just veg in your tank now can cause you some problems if the oil thickens up and you are trying to start the thing. I have flattened both batteries like that before.

                          Also think about a fphe (flat plate heat exchanger) but only a coolant one not an electric one.

                          As mentioned before make sure that you oil is free from watre and that you cold filter it at the temperature you intend to use it. No good filtering in a warm shed and them puting it in the tank as overnight more of it goes solid and blocks your fuel pick up and may even gell in your fuel lines.

                          Don't be put off though you can make very good savings, start looking around for some free oil, lots of it out there.

                          Hope all that helps.
                          I have a beer and a half, you can all now begin.


                          • #14
                            yeah, I'm going to have a half, Glenfiddich, at 10 after I've finished taxiing the daughter from her blokes house in the sticks. I can barely wait. H

                            Cheers for the ebay/pallion thing


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                              I do have a heat exchanger but it's one that uses coolant to heat it so only thins the oil when the engine is up to temp.
                              You can mix up to 10% petrol to the oil to help thin it and to be on the safe side you can throw some diesel in too. Better to mix the petrol before adding the oil to the tank
                              While Paul has a heat exchanger, I don't have n all cold filtered "if in doubt" filter one more time .....
                              As an experimental method I always carry a reserve 10lt - 20lt container of oil ready for the Tank in the Truck n also as an indicator to oil temperature !!
                              Be sure be safe n you'll have Trouble free motoring ..
                              Good Luck

                              "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                              Buncefield Burner

