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  • News Item

    Did anyone see the news item the other day about Ken Livingstone wanting to Tax/Ban 4x4's. He reccons they are dangerous to other people because of the high bonnets. Is this not the same problem with transits and lorries and other 'larger than a car' vehicle. They came up with some statistic that a 4x4 is 23 times more likely to kill in the case of an accident. But what about these 17 year olds with plenty of cash, importing a car that can do 150mph easily and then killing someone doing those speeds. Shouldn't they be taxed higher? A few weeks ago some kiddies were racing two BMW's down a dual carriageway to brighton, one of them lost control at what they reccon to be about 150mph and jumped over the barrier and went into a discovery. The driver, his wife, two children all died and the four in the BMW died. Just shows its who drives is more important than what the're driving.
    Not to sound bitter or anything!!!!

  • #2
    Funny how when they say a 4X4 is large they conveniently forget the Ford Galaxy, Renault Espace type MPVs - some of which are bigger than our 'pride and joys'.
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Originally posted by UDTrev
      Funny how when they say a 4X4 is large they conveniently forget the Ford Galaxy, Renault Espace type MPVs - some of which are bigger than our 'pride and joys'.
      Personally I think we should all drive Dodge Dayvans then we can really munch the iddiots on the road - 2 1/2 tons of solid Detroit Iron will surely make a mess of whoever we hit. And Ken Livingston couldn't say a word about that one.

      Still who said that Politics makes sense - if it did, George Bush, Tony Blair, Robert Mugabe etc etc would never have got into power anyway.



      • #4
        I've just read the BBC news story on this issue and at first I could see where he was coming from... then I read on... and onto the comments...

        What a load of arrogant people there are living in this country! Some of the negative comments beggar belief!

        So to Andy Gilbert of London, Martin Dunsterville of Birmingham and Chris in Nottingham (who don't say what vehicles they drive) perhaps we should include all MPV's LCV's and any other vehicle bigger than a standard car for that matter in their absurd and ludicrous statements!

        It just proves one thing to me... people will jump on any bandwagon if it belittles anyone who is better off than them. They think because they don't have one no one elsd should!


        Rant over!
        Last edited by icsys; 9 July 2004, 18:10.
        One day my paranoia will go away!


        • #5
          I love the use of statistics personally. I think it was in another article where I first found out that my 4x4 had a 23times increase in the chance of killing someone - which has I believe been distorted from the 27% increase in the chance of killing someone if you have bullbars fitted, which was actually calculated by comparing bullbar fitted vehicles vs. non bullbar vehicles, i.e. not "like for like" with and without bullbars (it's something like a 0.3% increase if you do like for like).

          UK total deaths for 2003 was 3,508, which would mean that (assuming wrongly that all deaths involved being hit by another vehicle) only 146 weren't caused by 4x4s..... er, can anyone say "!!!!!!s".



          • #6
            It would be interesting to see out of the 3508 deaths, how many actually involved a 4x4 vehicle.
            One day my paranoia will go away!


            • #7
              Originally posted by icsys
              It would be interesting to see out of the 3508 deaths, how many actually involved a 4x4 vehicle.
              most deaths on the road are pedestrians run over. So use the b****y zebra crossings, the pelican crossings and stop playing chicken on the roads. Ban people using walkmans and mobile phones whilst walking alongside or crossing the road.
              And bring back the b****y GREEN CROSS CODE MAN
              Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

              My 4x4
              My choice
              Back off


              • #8
                Originally posted by Koi
                most deaths on the road are pedestrians run over. So use the b****y zebra crossings, the pelican crossings and stop playing chicken on the roads. Ban people using walkmans and mobile phones whilst walking alongside or crossing the road.
                And bring back the b****y GREEN CROSS CODE MAN
                I see mobile users everyday walking out into the road without a care. i didnt know they came with a personal FORCEFIELD
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #9
                  Its all publicity, politicians need their name to be out there and they look for bandwagons to jump on and it works


                  • #10
                    It seems to me they are looking for more ways to increase the coffers and with more and more 4x4 vehicles appearing on the roads they would be an easy and arguable target for a higher rate of road tax.
                    One day my paranoia will go away!


                    • #11
                      Here's another little tidbit from last weeks Independent(?) I pass on without comment except to ask where the hell do they get the figures from and who is this self opinionated !!!!!!!
                      The comments from the two people who took part in this huge experiment must have been a bit of a disapointment to him


                      • #12
                        The school-run mother

                        Name: Vanessa Alexander

                        Lives: Bletchingley, Surrey

                        4x4: BMW X5 automatic (latest model)

                        Engine size: Three litres

                        Price: £40,000

                        Main use for SUV: School run, shopping

                        Gadgetry: TV, computer, GPS navigational system, tracker, lights and windscreen sensors, warning alerts

                        Cost to fill the tank: £70

                        Average mileage a year: 15,000 to 18,000 miles

                        So its her fault is it????? 15 - 18k a year how far is this school
                        (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by marky
                          The school-run mother

                          Name: Vanessa Alexander

                          Lives: Bletchingley, Surrey

                          4x4: BMW X5 automatic (latest model)

                          Engine size: Three litres

                          Price: £40,000

                          Main use for SUV: School run, shopping

                          Gadgetry: TV, computer, GPS navigational system, tracker, lights and windscreen sensors, warning alerts

                          Cost to fill the tank: £70

                          Average mileage a year: 15,000 to 18,000 miles

                          So its her fault is it????? 15 - 18k a year how far is this school
                          Japanese satellite on her GPS????????????


                          • #14
                            they don't think of people who live in rural areas...

                            it's ken livingstone who's never ventured out of london. people seem to think that just cos you live in the south that you earn over £40,000 a year and can afford all these extra taxes.
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                            • #15
                              The call to raise Car tax on 4x4s has been debated for quite a while...
                              But the lady in the picture half way own this page wont be worrying...

                              I hope the North/South divide stands strong if 'Loony Livingstone' gets his way!

                              And what about this !
                              Cast your vote in the campaigns
                              One day my paranoia will go away!

