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  • @Apache

    Last night, Shirley and I had some of your maw an' paw in law's unwanted haggis, with mashed neeps and creamed tatties.

    There was about a quarter of the haggis left and, as usual, I had made too many tatties. So, tonight I made the haggis into a burger and the leftover tatties into some lovely home-made tattie scones, fried it all up and ate the lot. It was braw...
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

  • #2
    Sitting here drinking Murphys, your post made me realize I haven't eaten since about 9am!
    No wonder I'm bleedin starving (especially with the smell of a roast dinner eminating from the kitchen!)

    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


    • #3
      Sounds like the north o't border version of bubble and squeak.

      Left over mash & cabbage (and sprouts and carrots if you like) mashed up together, fried as a pattie and topped off with a couple of fried eggs.

      Breakfast of champions!

      When we stayed in Portpatrick a few years back, working at West Freugh, the hotel served Haggis patties for breakfast. Dipped in fried egg - awesome!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world

