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BBC News Channel

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    I wouldn't mind betting that if she'd left the washers alone and driven off with a dirty screen they would have bothered their fat ar5es to drop 3 points and a £60 fine on her though...
    For sure.


    • #17
      Latest....Minister for transport is now consulting scientists to see whether this 'arctic' weather is going to be a regular occurance !!!...Jeez



      • #18
        Aye, global warming has a lot to answer for...
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
          Latest....Minister for transport is now consulting scientists to see whether this 'arctic' weather is going to be a regular occurance !!!...Jeez


          Nobody have Al Gore's phone number?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            Aye, global warming has a lot to answer for...
            Yep, they'll be taxing 4x4's a "Snow Fun Tax" next!

            If this is global waming, ie warmer summers and colder winters then bring it on!
            "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              The Beeb are really losing all credibility these days. BBC News should be called 'BBC ARRRGGHH WERE ALL DOOOOOMED!!!!!'

              'Frozen Britain' - 'Arctic Blast' - 'Ice Locked Britain' etc etc.

              All said or on the banner on screen while the newscaster stands in light snow with 2" or so standing and traffic moving along happily behind her.

              I'd like to see all of those sensational soundbites replaced with a more accurate one. How about the word 'Winter'?

              Europe / USA / Canada must p1ss their pants if they watch BBC News Channel...
              We have been watching Sky news and BBC news from Egypt and it's been quite a good comedy act if I'm honest. "The Big Freeze" on every CGI screen etc. Just supply the news and stop hyping it up for no real reason!
              Also on my "this p***es me off list" is how both of those news channels are giving the headlines and then telling you to go to Twitter for the latest updates.
              ERM NO, just give us the news please or I'll change channel.
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #22
                One only needs to consult the history books to see that cold winters / warm summers IS the fcuking norm for this country! Its the 'mild and damp all year round' weather thats anomolous!

                Still, never let common sense get in the way of spending for no reason eh?
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #23
                  Did you see the bbc report where he says that the public are ignoring road closed signs and the guy in the pajero with big lift and wheels drives past the sign, well we were up there watching the lorry that got stuck drag his arse around the roundabout a few hours before. But my point is how could the reporter know if the guy in the paj actually lived at the top of that road and was going home??????? if it was some twonk in a micra then yeah tw@t but a paj up there would probly be fine...... Do we have a hose pipe ban yet....
                  Remember arrows are silent.....................
                  Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


                  • #24
                    A colleague of mine had to get a train to work this morning cos the major road he uses to get out of Cheltenham had been closed by Police. Lots of people were coming along and moving the sign and driving happily up the road, so plod comes back and puts cones there. People now driving round the cones on the pavement and happily making their way up the road. Apparently, now they've posted plod at the closure so people dont ignore the sign!

                    Is it just me, or does anyone else think if people are ignoring the sign / cones etc and SUCCESSFULLY driving up the road, that maybe, just maybe, there is no need to close the road, and all the police are doing is making things worse by being too risk-averse?
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      A colleague of mine had to get a train to work this morning cos the major road he uses to get out of Cheltenham had been closed by Police. Lots of people were coming along and moving the sign and driving happily up the road, so plod comes back and puts cones there. People now driving round the cones on the pavement and happily making their way up the road. Apparently, now they've posted plod at the closure so people dont ignore the sign!

                      Is it just me, or does anyone else think if people are ignoring the sign / cones etc and SUCCESSFULLY driving up the road, that maybe, just maybe, there is no need to close the road, and all the police are doing is making things worse by being too risk-averse?
                      Great to see someone is using our Tax's to do something constructive. Who actually dictates what roads are passable? Why close the road off if people can traverse it?
                      Always room for more power!!!!


                      • #26
                        No Mr Apache, its not just you. I suppose the only issue here is why the road was closed. It could have been for a multitude of reasons and youre not going to know just by looking at a cone or a closed sign. However if it was closed because "someone" deemed it impassable, and all the locals knew that, but also knew that it was actually passable, then what the heck, just go for it. good on them. Yes we have become an extremely risk averse society, and in many ways thats not all bad, but risk assesments need to be conducted sensibly, with probability and severity factors and mitigating actions that make sense and reflect some reality. Its not always easy. Its much easier just to say no, and close the road.

                        Oh and happy birthday

                        Сви можемо


                        • #27
                          The road was closed because it only takes one rear wheel drive car with a tw@t at the wheel to get stuck and block the road.
                          I live in a pi55 poor country where the average wage is about 300 quid a month, but EVERY vehicle must change to winter tyres come December. And in areas that are prone to heavy snow, chains MUST be carried and used if needed.
                          I know 'Sharon' in Basildon wouldn't have a clue how to fit chains on her Saxo so maybe make it part of the DOT test.
                          Sent from the iPad you "lost"

