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do people just lose all sence when it snows

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  • do people just lose all sence when it snows

    omg i couldnt belive how many idiots there were yesterday
    we went out for a little drive and to see if anyone needed any assistance yesterday as we had over 5" of the white stuff ,
    we helped a mate tow his rover onto a main road then headed off into kidderminster town centre, as we got onto the one ring road (by st marys church ) its quite a steep hill and there was traffic backed up from half way up , then we noticed at least half the cars were just sat there spinning there wheels by flooring it in first gear and abviously not going anywhere.
    then when we got to the traffic lights we couldnt believe it, people were so pannicky and idiotic that they were all ignoring the traffic lights and going through on red lights just to beat other people .
    are most people just morons these days ffs .
    when we got back onto our estate we found a 5 series bmw with a bloke with his 2 young kids in the back , an isuzu trooper had stopped and attempted to tow him but couldnt so i spun round and offered to tow him half a mile to the main road, his answer "you can try but the isuzu couldnt do it". so i hooked up the towing strap , put it in low4 and away we went . it slipped a bit on the icy patches but got him to the main birmingham road no problem .

    PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com

  • #2
    I know exactly what you're saying!

    I live on a pretty steep hill. The bottom of my road is a T junction with houses & parked cars. The two adjacent roads are more well used & sometimes even gritted!

    I live near to the top of the hill & I have sat watching some in their little KA's going past my house & down the hill!! This is where I would have assumed that common sense would have been useful. Surely it makes more sense to go the short distance up the hill & join onto the clearer roads that join onto the main road at the bottom. Surely if it's that icy & you don't have that much chance of stopping safely it's better to come out onto a clear road than land in a parked car or someone's front garden??!!

    There is only so much help you can give these people. The rest is up to their psychologist!!
    It's only kinky the first time...


    • #3
      Folk don't seem to park any more either, they just stop at a place convenient to themselves. Either that or the lazy #######s who can't be arsed clearing their own drives, park in the space I've cleared outside our house; meaning I have to park elsewhere. I did think about parking in their drives, but apparently that's not allowed.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        It's law here to clean the snow in front of your house. I hate having to tell the wife to get out and do it. But the law is the law.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          Folk don't seem to park any more either, they just stop at a place convenient to themselves. Either that or the lazy #######s who can't be arsed clearing their own drives, park in the space I've cleared outside our house; meaning I have to park elsewhere. I did think about parking in their drives, but apparently that's not allowed.
          I have a neighbour here who is like that, leaves his drive empty and parks in the road. The temptation just to pull onto his drive is great, especially as we don't have a drive, so his using the road uses up a spot I could use.
          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


          • #6
            Yep, we have a few like that here too. The pussies should learn to drive.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Came out at 06:00am, to go to work, the other morning and we have roadworks taking up the path and half the road at the top of our cul-de-sac. I am the last house. The young kid who lives opposite the roadworks had parked his car across from the roadworks half on, half off the road but not enough of a gap for me to get through. I do hope the others in the house got back to sleep after I had to wake them all up to get it moved.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hi-sider View Post
                Came out at 06:00am, to go to work, the other morning and we have roadworks taking up the path and half the road at the top of our cul-de-sac. I am the last house. The young kid who lives opposite the roadworks had parked his car across from the roadworks half on, half off the road but not enough of a gap for me to get through. I do hope the others in the house got back to sleep after I had to wake them all up to get it moved.
                He's obviously not been shown how to use a brain cell then !!
                Bet it won't be the last time ya gotta do that he'll get the message eventually, Fcuking knumbscull ...............

                "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hi-sider View Post
                  Came out at 06:00am, to go to work, the other morning and we have roadworks taking up the path and half the road at the top of our cul-de-sac. I am the last house. The young kid who lives opposite the roadworks had parked his car across from the roadworks half on, half off the road but not enough of a gap for me to get through. I do hope the others in the house got back to sleep after I had to wake them all up to get it moved.
                  Tow rope, drag to the opposite end of the street and then laugh at the little sh*t trying to find it.
                  En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                  • #10
                    They certainly do drive you nuts. They're bad enough in normal weather conditions but in the snow & ice they really shine!!
                    It's only kinky the first time...


                    • #11
                      I passed a guy who had stopped in the inside lane, holding up the traffic, and asked if he was okay. He replied " the cars 1/2 a mile ahead look like they're having trouble getting up that hill........"
                      He was stopping ALL the traffic, without even attempting the hill, which in fairness never gets blocked and didn't on this day..
                      I just chuckled and carried on...

                      On another note, we came across an elderly lady on a "mobility scooter"(?) trying to get up a steep icy road in our village. She was not phased, and eventually got up it wih little assistance from me - even though I offered.
                      ...One plucky woman.
                      The snow just seemed to be a irritant, not a problem to her. Mind you, if you've lived through a world war, 4" of snow aint gonna stop you is it?!
                      "B.A." Baracus: "Talk to me, talk sense so I can talk back. Not all this jibberjabber like breaking the peace and all that."

