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Surf purchase fallen through - need a Gen2 3.0

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  • Surf purchase fallen through - need a Gen2 3.0

    Hi all,

    For those of you that saw my other thread re: issues with an LN130 I was due to buy, well the deal fell-through. Gutted, but for the best I suppose.

    So, I'm on the lookout for a decent Gen2 3.0 (can't afford a Gen3 just yet) if anyone has one (would like to buy from the forum if poss, but am happy with off-site). I'm in Leeds, West Yorks.

    Not overly fussed about the trim-level as long as it's a guddun.

    Cheers in advance (I'll get back into a Surf if it bl**dy kills me!),


  • #2
    Look in the handy "Surfs for Sale" section, or put a request in the equally handy "Surfs Wanted" section.

    Alternatively, give Yoshie a shout. He has a couple for sale.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      Cheers mate, had a look in the for sale but there's nothing for me I don't think.

      Didn't think to tout in the 'wanted' though - I'll do that. Will also drop Yoshie a PM.

