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  • #16
    I always used to go for Wadworth 6 X thats a good beer


    • #17

      There's a few that I used to like but have changed for the worst over the years - Pedigree and 6X are two that spring to mind ...

      I've just bought a couple of samples from the Itchen Valley Brewery stall at the Hampshire Farmers Market in Winchester - Hampshire Rose & Father Christmas. The results from 4 comparitive tastings are:

      Father Christmas - 3 votes
      Hampshire Rose - 0 votes
      Undecided - 1 vote

      However two of the votes (including the fence sitter) are female and are thus irrelevant - when male child number one arrives home from work this afternoon we'll repeat the exercise

      The result won't change anything cos I'm paying the bill and we'll be having FC !

      Both beers are well hopped with the HR having a 'fruity' edge to it which detracted from the experience in my view. The HR came in at 4.2% abv and the FC 5% - this wasn't known at the time of tasting so had no impact on the result.

      Had a pint of Timothy Taylors Landlord yesterday with son number two and it's still an excellent pint - it's won more awards than any other beer (International and CAMRA) and when I had a quick google I discovered that it's been in production since at least 1957 !

      Last edited by Predictable Bob; 12 December 2010, 16:28.
      Life is too important to take seriously !

