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how easy is it to remove insturment clocks
how easy is it to remove insturment clocks
hi all could someone tell me how to remove the insturment clocks dials did read somwhere that you have to remove whole dash is this true. reason for removal is i have 2 or more bulbs gone and want to replace with LEDs to make it nice and bright. and dose anyone have preference to the best colour to go for. i have white dials in place at the moment. cheers in advance. vince
surfs just steal all ya moneyTags: None
Originally posted by millepeed View Posthi all could someone tell me how to remove the insturment clocks dials did read somwhere that you have to remove whole dash is this true. reason for removal is i have 2 or more bulbs gone and want to replace with LEDs to make it nice and bright. and dose anyone have preference to the best colour to go for. i have white dials in place at the moment. cheers in advance. vince
I've got to remove a set of clocks in the morning, I can do a photo guide if you like.
If you're going to use LEDs, get diffused ones or ones with a wide viewing angle, otherwise you'll get spots instead of an even spread of light behind the dial faces.
p.s. White is the best colour, as the needles will show up better.
hey guys thanks very much for all your help will crack on with this tomorrow looks fairly straight forward going to maplins to get leds so will look for the defused ones. think i will go for purple colourd ones or do you all think thats gay heehee will post some pics when its done.surfs just steal all ya money
Originally posted by millepeed View Posthey guys thanks very much for all your help will crack on with this tomorrow looks fairly straight forward going to maplins to get leds so will look for the defused ones. think i will go for purple colourd ones or do you all think thats gay heehee will post some pics when its done.If its not broke don't fix it.
Does anyone know a part number/ lamp type for these? I've a load gone west. I've had the dash out once and it is FUN!
How would you replace with LEDs? Do they make a direct replacement or were you thinking of getting the soldering iron out?
You may well have all this covered and I might be teaching granny to suck eggs but a standard LED runs at about 1.2 volts and needs an in line resistor to drop the excessive voltage and limit current.
V supply - V led /I led = resistor size if I remember correctly.
I is the current in amps, an LED data sheet will tell you what it ought to be in milli amps, you will need to convert by dividing by a thousand.
(no doubt somneone will be on in ten minutes saying 'multiply by a thousand, stupid')湯
Easy way
1000mA = 1A. 100mA = 0.1A. 10mA = 0.01A.
The type of LEDs you'll probably use will typically be around 10-20mA forward current. For use on 14.4V (engine running), a 750Ω resistor will provide around 19mA, and 16mA with engine off.
For different LED current requirements, just scale the resistor value accordingly as it is a linear relationship. (Ohms Law). Twice the current, halve the resistance value and so on.Cutting steps in the roof of the world