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What is wrong with some people?

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  • What is wrong with some people?

    So, as you know, I got a new truck a couple of weeks ago....

    The speedo's not working properly - it kind of sticks - so I'm hoping that I just need to clean the contacts and not replace the unit itself.

    The brake light kept coming on, so I topped up the reservoir and bingo!

    The oil pressure gauge reads much higher than my previous two Surfs - like, pretty much all the way to the right. Is this ok? It does go up and down - it's not jammed up against the far side of the dial but it always reads high.

    Sometimes, it takes it's own sweet time to change down from 3rd when I stop. I checked the ATF level and it's a touch low, so I'm gonna drain it, and top up with 1.2 litres of new fluid.

    Ah, the joys of learning a new vehicle!

    So, anyway - the reason for the thread title...it pulled to the left. I got the tracking done, to no avail. I swapped the front tires round; that sorted it but it was more than apparent that I needed new tires. I ordered 4 from Roughtrax cos I thought I might as well change the lot, took them round to my local lad, and all went well until he started on the third wheel - one of the rear ones. The fifth wheel nut came off almost before he pulled the trigger; why? Well, you're gonna love this...

    Yes, the stud had sheared...but not just then, oh no. The stud had sheared who knows when, probably when the previous owner had the car. So, rather than replace the stud, an unknown idiot filed off the tapered bit on the wheel nut, then epoxied it back in the hole in the wheel! I mean, what the hell is wrong with people? The guy I bought the Surf off was using it to ferry his two baby daughters around in, for god's sake! I'd like to think he knew nothing about it but he never mentioned the knackered speedo (and I never noticed it on the test drive) so who knows?

  • #2
    He probably spent more time looking at the door mirror watching for flying wheel nuts than the speedo.

    If the speedo needle is fluctuating, then it's most likely the speed sensor on the transfercase thats breaking down.

    High oil pressure, especially at idle could be several things, too high a viscosity oil in the engine.
    Pressure gauge sender in faulty.
    Pressure relief valve is faulty.

    Pulling to the left is nearly always caused by a sticking piston in the brake caliper on 2nd gens. Caused by using the truck with low brake pads for a long time and a rust ring forms on the pistons preventing them from fully retracting.


    • #3
      Where's the pressure release valve, and how would I tell if it's faulty?


      • #4
        Shameless bump.

