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Snow report request

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  • Snow report request

    Can anybody give me an update on the state of the roads between Andover and Leicester ?

    I'm planning on either A34/M40/A46 or A34/A43/M1 dependent on conditions

    Tomorrow morning I have the dubious pleasure of driving my wife and daughter to Leicester for a uni interview but I can't find any reliable info on the state of the road. Money's a bit tight after my three kids 18th birthday so if I was on my own I'd drive the Fawkus and put up with any snow and risk being late but the ladies will squeal at around 140db if the car starts to slide about ...

    Basically does it look OK to take the economical option or will I have to mug a pensioner so I can fill the Surf up ?


    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    I think you'll be ok till you hit north oxfordshire mate

    then the snow will take over...

    snag woudl be getting stuck in traffic for all the peeps in the fawkus's etc that cant drive in the stuff

    can they not get the train??


    • #3
      Wrong type of snow for trains!


      • #4
        I have just gritted my road and like magic the road is now clear of snow and ice. I wonder if the highways agency are aware of this trick ?

        because judging by the state of the roads they havent got a clue. I know they said they had enough grit to last the winter and they would not run out like last year, but I didint think they meant they werent going to use it to ensure they don't run out!

        Folkestone in Kent has about an inch but has ground to a halt! I can understand the trouble in Scotland and North England where a lot of snow has fallen. But an few inches in the south east and london ! really?
        If it can be broken it can be fixed


        • #5
          I travelled from ARDWICK in Manchester to HYDE this morning & the A57 hasnt been touched it was a Nightmare for people.


          • #6
            The SNOW is now coming down Thick & Fast in South Manchester


            • #7
              Keep it at a steady 55 and you'll do it on 1/2 a tank. H


              • #8
                You have a 4x4 and you are asking if you should take the ford focus?
                And it's snowing there?

                ooh, tough question.
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9

                  NO !

                  I've just spent a shedload of dosh on my triplets 18th birthday and I'm hoping to be able to get away with using the Focus cos it'll save me around £30 !

                  Life is too important to take seriously !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                    NO !

                    I've just spent a shedload of dosh on my triplets 18th birthday and I'm hoping to be able to get away with using the Focus cos it'll save me around £30 !

                    Should have bought them train tickets!


                    • #11
                      Don't no nuffin bout fool eeeconmee....but it's gonna snow praper loike y'ere tanoight.
                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #12

                        Job done - thanks for all the advice guys !

                        Took the Fawkus in the end - the only trouble we had was a little slide on the way up to Newbury

                        By the sound of it Katie's interview went like a dream so she should have an offer from them in the next couple of weeks.

                        Got to take her to Coventry on Saturday and then I've got to take Dave up to Leicester on the 17th - my life would have been simpler if they were thick !

                        At least Paul hasn't got to do any interviews - he's got all his offers already and just needs to produce the results (Easier said than done I suspect)

                        Life is too important to take seriously !

