Greetings from the Lexurf IV R&D department. 
I noticed that lexurf was going REALLY well in the cold air. To this end, and with your suggestion about getting more air in, i "weighed" the air this morning. If i was, for instance, allowing 10000 litres in normally, expressed as kg/cmf, i was getting 12-13000 litres a minute. To this end, im going to increase the diameter of the intake pipe by about half as much again...wish me luck!

I noticed that lexurf was going REALLY well in the cold air. To this end, and with your suggestion about getting more air in, i "weighed" the air this morning. If i was, for instance, allowing 10000 litres in normally, expressed as kg/cmf, i was getting 12-13000 litres a minute. To this end, im going to increase the diameter of the intake pipe by about half as much again...wish me luck!
