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Insuring 2 cars?

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  • Insuring 2 cars?

    Knowing some of you have more than 1 each (greedy I call it), and thinking I may get another (which makes me greedy too), I was wondering if there's a simple (i.e. cheap) way to insure multiple vehicles?

    I'm thinking of getting something cheap and cheaper to run than the Surf due to my mileage, but then the cost of having a 2nd policy (ncb back to zero, long story) outweighs the point of it!

    AFAIA, you can only have 1 vehicle per policy, but does anyone know different? (and kinda legal too, I'm not in the motortrade so that kind of policy is a no no!).


  • #2
    Well heres a bit of our experiences...

    Tony has a main policy for his truck, but when he started driving a long distance to work he used a 2nd car (the old Metro - now replaced by a diesel Renault) - only cost about £150 for 3rd party

    I have 2 policies both with full no claims for the surf and the lorry, and I got insurance for about £280 for the 4-runner the other day (and thats an import)

    Some insurance companies will mirror your discount from the policy with NCB if both cars are with them, some will give you a year or 2 NCB on the 2nd policy to start you off if you have full NCB on a 1st policy (whoever its with)

    I did find that it really pays to shop around and not assume that because your current insurer is best for the surf, they will be best for the new car too.




    • #3

      Try aplan they gave me 50% n/c on second car 08450 711234


      • #4
        Ta for the tips, gonna have to look into this seriously as I've just worked out what I've spent on fuel over the last year - over £5k, and no, I don't drive for a living!

        Hmmm, so another £4000 that the taxman has had out of my wages then.

        I'm off to cry!



        • #5
          We have a "second", greedy that we are, or maybe because Milton Keynes was not designed for the pedestrian. A Clio diesel, oh how I wish my Surf does 500 miles for £35 of diesel instead of 340 miles for £47 of petrol!!!

          My broker (Lifesure 01480 474604- specialize in Japanese imports ) mirrored the full no claims on my Surf policy to a second policy for the Clio. I now have two independant policies with full no claims on both.




          • #6
            A - Plan matched my 8 years no claims on a 2nd policy.

            !!!!!! marvelous, got the full 40 discount.

            Tha nnoying this is, if you have two policies, and fulll genuine no claims on each, if you have a crash you lose both no claims, not just the one you used when you crashed.

            Sucks doesn't it.


            • #7
              I think my problem with A-plan for the 2nd policy was that they specialise in Jap imports, and ofcourse UK cars - soon as I said the 4-runner was LHD the premium went straight up! Not one other insurer cared that it was LHD - just that it was an import - like I said it makes no sense.

              @Rob - why not get your NCB protected? It cost me not a penny more on my policies.




              • #8
                NCB protection is a bit of a rip off.

                It is only protected with that insurance company. If you claim then 12 months later you change insurance companies they will only give you 1 year no claims.

                It only protects your NCB, not your premium. If you claim then you may still have a %40 discount.
                But the original premium will go up because of the claim.
                So you will still end up paying more, and you have to stay with that company otherwise you lose all claims.

                I have about £500 excess, if I have to claim it will be because I am at fualt for some serios damage.
                So I'll get a lower insurance rating car and then do some shopping around.

                NCB protection is just there to increase your premium and tie you into the company.
                Sure, even if it's protected you can shop around, but then what's been the point of paying to insure it for the last year ?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rob88
                  NCB protection is a bit of a rip off.

                  It is only protected with that insurance company. If you claim then 12 months later you change insurance companies they will only give you 1 year no claims.
                  It only protects your NCB, not your premium. If you claim then you may still have a %40 discount.
                  But the original premium will go up because of the claim.
                  So you will still end up paying more, and you have to stay with that company otherwise you lose all claims.
                  NCB protection is just there to increase your premium and tie you into the company.
                  Not necessarily true - I had 1 fault claim with Direct Line - with protected NCB. Neither the renewal of my 2nd policy (with full protected NCB) on the lorry, nor my policy renewal with A-Plan was affected. A-Plan was actually cheaper than previous year with Direct Line, and they gave me a full NCB. I declared the claim to both companies.

                  Like I said, the Insurance companies seem to make up the rules as they go along.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rob88
                    Tha nnoying this is, if you have two policies, and fulll genuine no claims on each, if you have a crash you lose both no claims, not just the one you used when you crashed.

                    Sucks doesn't it.

                    Lifesure told me different, any claim only affects the policy claimed against, not both policies.




                    • #11
                      But you still have to declare it when you are asked if you have had an accident or a claim in the last 5 years.

