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Hey Stormy

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  • Hey Stormy

    you still afloat down there son?
    do you wanna borrow my wet suit fins and mask buddy?
    Enjoying Life after Cancer

  • #2
    can i just say because some people cant get insured in flood proun areas
    i can help with any matters on the clean up side of things
    it seems a task to look at but if you know were and how to start its easy
    iam offering advise in something i did for 14 years on and off
    i was the top of the game back then
    so if you or any of you have a flood or any disaster that needs to be cleaned up and you cant get the help you need from the loss ajusters
    then feel free to ask
    its not has stright forward has people think

    iam offering my servises for free to any one on here
    but i'am hopeing to be back to work next year has a gaffer
    if you realy need the help i can arrange for trained people to sort out the mess for you
    just a thought i dont want non of you lot stuck with no hope of help
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

