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winter 2010/2011

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  • winter 2010/2011

    UK Outlook for Wednesday 24 Nov 2010 to Wednesday 8 Dec 2010:
    There is a trend for more settled, but colder weather to become established across much of the UK. Rainfall should be mostly below average, especially in the west. Easterly winds could bring wintry showers to some parts, particularly to the east coast. Temperatures are likely to be below average with an increased risk of frost overnight.
    Updated: 1219 on Tue 9 Nov 2010

    Looks like the MET have finally given up on a milder than normal winter.

    I give the local councils untill 10th December to start running out of grit
    If it can be broken it can be fixed

  • #2
    i had a war over grit last year
    i live on a hill we was snowed in the highways agency puts git bins out on eather side of the hill
    the local bizzy body communety leader/neighbourhood watch/counsel warden
    she nicked it for her new drive that the counsel payed for
    i asked why have you stolen that grit?
    her reply was
    feck off i have not stolen any grit i need that for my drive and pathways i have a caravan you know
    i lost it a bit and replyed nicly of corse
    well fek me pink you got a caravan and a drive payed for by the counsel
    it still dont give you the right to steal grit
    i was then quoted in to how she is the head of this and that

    i told her to go get feked thats theft end off
    the next day we were still snowed in a walked around the corner were the grit bins are
    and the higways officer was there putting a big sticker on the bin saying

    she got a stiff bollican for stealing the grit she was lucky
    i am a realy well liked person around here you know
    i know have my own grit bin with grit that feks everybody off
    all they keep saying is how do you get you own bin
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Kent Council have removed the locations of the grit bins from there website. Over the next couple of weeks ill be driving around and collecting a few sacks of grit from country grit bins to do my road. I got stuck for over 2 weeks last year.

      And before anybody moans, no I am not going to use it on my drive as I don't have one. The council didn't grit my road as its a cul-de-sac but there is also no grit bin within a mile.

      I have no problem spending 20 minutes shoveling the snow off the road and gritting it, better than complaining about it. But ill be damed if I'm going to pay for the pleasure of the grit.

      Your neighbour should know better, if I had a drive I would have no problem spending the £3 or £4 a sack for the grit salt. Glad you got a grit bin outside your house for complaining.
      If it can be broken it can be fixed


      • #4
        you can freely take it its for use on the highways only
        just highways
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          the grit bin is mine
          the grit is highways grit that i use to grit this road and this road only
          ok i break the law by putting a bit on 4 paths on this street
          all 4 paths are elderly people i look after them in wither time
          i put the grit bin into the back on my mates 4x4 and go out and fill it up
          i use that 4x4 with the bin in the back to grit this road whats left i save and keep it gritted
          but i do own the bin
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
            the grit bin is mine
            the grit is highways grit that i use to grit this road and this road only
            ok i break the law by putting a bit on 4 paths on this street
            all 4 paths are elderly people i look after them in wither time
            i put the grit bin into the back on my mates 4x4 and go out and fill it up
            i use that 4x4 with the bin in the back to grit this road whats left i save and keep it gritted
            but i do own the bin
            as long as there public footpaths you can use the grit on them, if not....Shame on you
            If it can be broken it can be fixed


            • #7
              I live in a dead-end too. I also help my neighbours out...

              I even do the pavements!


              • #8
                ha ha, thats brilliant. Where did you get it from ? do you do gritting for the local councils ?
                If it can be broken it can be fixed


                • #9
                  Gritting is just taking away the fun.
                  Empty all the grit bins and watch everyone fall and break bones and stuff, BMW's bashing into lamposts.
                  If there was no grit people would buy snow chains, and the pensioner population would shrink.
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mckirdy-services View Post
                    ha ha, thats brilliant. Where did you get it from ? do you do gritting for the local councils ?
                    The gritter really belongs to my wife! Her company grit the bits the council don't do: superstores, petrol stations, schools etc. I help out if I have to - usually if a local sub-con gets stuck in the snow!


                    • #11

                      That sounds like she has just the one tow-along machine! Her company currently have the contract for every Tesco in the UK (to name one client). We love ice and snow!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by davec170 View Post

                        That sounds like she has just the one tow-along machine! Her company currently have the contract for every Tesco in the UK (to name one client). We love ice and snow!
                        so at least tesco car parks will be gritted, shame nobody will be able to get there as the roads wont be
                        If it can be broken it can be fixed


                        • #13
                          That's true! Many times last year I went to Tesco car parks near me to check conditions, only to find that after battering my way there that they were ploughed and gritted to perfection. They were generally empty of cars though, as only 4x4s could get there. It doesn't matter though, companies have to be seen to minimise public health risk, or pay the compensation. Tesco may well spend millions on snow and ice clearance but they won't get public liability insurance without it. The blame culture drives it.


                          • #14
                            What you need is this beasty.................
                            Attached Files
                            www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


                            • #15
                              Got plenty of those little beasts!
                              The trouble is getting them on site when the weather turns!

                              Do you have access to your own snow and ice gear? PM me if you do, and you want any more work this winter!

