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How can they sell this for less than £70?

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  • How can they sell this for less than £70?

    I just got this from Aldi. It's never going to be optically or mechanically perfect, but £70!

    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

  • #2
    Tis cheap but how much are the armour piercing rounds that go in it.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      Because somebody else is paying for the real value in it. Namely the 3rd world labour force who scavenge dumps for most of the raw materials, or crawl around in dangerous mines. work in the plants where the material is prepared, live in the villages where waste from the manufacturing process is simply dumped on their doorstep rather than safely processed all with total disregard for health and safety, and who assemble it all for a "wage" that barely allows subsistence. All of this allows Aldi to sell it at that price. They probably make only a tiny profit on it, but I suppose the aim of the "special buy" is not profit, but to entice you in so that you may come back and buy other stuff. You pay 70 pounds, and the rest of it is paid for by the lives of some "Johnny Foreigner" somewhere far away

      Сви можемо


      • #4
        Just popped in for a whinge ( apparently)

        I know what you mean though. Primark is another example. T shirts for £3!!! I suppose in a way, these countries are getting a foot on the ladder to an industrial revolution. It work the same way in Britain, with the poor knee deep in their own waste.

        Give them 100 years, they'll be super powers. Look at India now... China...
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bogus View Post
          Because somebody else is paying for the real value in it. Namely the 3rd world labour force who scavenge dumps for most of the raw materials, or crawl around in dangerous mines. work in the plants where the material is prepared, live in the villages where waste from the manufacturing process is simply dumped on their doorstep rather than safely processed all with total disregard for health and safety, and who assemble it all for a "wage" that barely allows subsistence. All of this allows Aldi to sell it at that price. They probably make only a tiny profit on it, but I suppose the aim of the "special buy" is not profit, but to entice you in so that you may come back and buy other stuff. You pay 70 pounds, and the rest of it is paid for by the lives of some "Johnny Foreigner" somewhere far away


          aww it's good to know our purchases are helping feed the poor people far far away
          Nissan Patrol for on-road, and a Land-Rover 110 shed for off-road :-)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            I just got this from Aldi. It's never going to be optically or mechanically perfect, but £70!


            I'll have to get one of those, we have new young female neighbours too!


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post

              I'll have to get one of those, we have new young female neighbours too!

              Get some pic's.
              If its not broke don't fix it.


              • #8
                It's my iPhone's (made in China) fault. I bought a piece of software (written in India) which got me interested in Astronomy. When I was looking for a cheap, entry level telescope, I saw this (Mexican) one for sale in Aldi; so I bought it.

                It's not possible to live today without buying or using something made in the 3rd world, so get off your high horse, Alex. Just be happy that you're putting money, albeit a small ammount, in their pockets. If we didn't buy from them, they would have nothing at all.

                Looks like not a bad place to work?

                Last edited by Albannach; 8 November 2010, 13:25.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post

                  It's not possible to live today without buying or using something made in the 3rd world, so get off your high horse, Alex. Just be happy that you're putting money, albeit a small ammount, in their pockets. If we didn't buy from them, they would have nothing at all.
                  I agree 100%, but you did ask, and he does have a point as well.

                  I like to buy 'ethically' but its not always easy, and sometimes, like that scope, its hard not to when its such a smoking deal.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                    I agree 100%, but you did ask, and he does have a point as well.
                    I know, but I think, in this specific instance, he's wrong.
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                      It's not possible to live today without buying or using something made in the 3rd world, so get off your high horse, Alex. Just be happy that you're putting money, albeit a small ammount, in their pockets. If we didn't buy from them, they would have nothing at all.
                      Im not on a high horse Andy, there was no lecture implied or intended. You asked a question , I answered it as I saw it, and I think pretty fairly. I know how the world works,and I know its not always pretty, but in respect of the stuff that I buy Im probably just like everyone else and love a bargain. Im not a yoghurt knitting ethical buyer and if I felt the urge to get a telescope, Im sure that would be the one I,d buy. My answer to your original question would simply have been, because somebody else is paying for the rest of it. I added the rest as an explanation and not because I have a high horse to jump on or to prick any consciences. I was simply relaying what I perceive to be facts.

                      Сви можемо


                      • #12
                        Well thanks Andy!
                        You've reminded me I bought a telescope from Aldi Marche here a few years ago for about €40. I don't think it's quite as good as yours,but I would'nt know as I never used it.The instructions were in French and too difficult to understand,but I managed to download an English version.
                        I think I should set it up.I'm sure Scotland would be similiar to here, in that you must get the same fantastic view of the stars,because of the lack of light pollution,
                        Oh! and for the record I did'nt feel guilty buying my "slave labour" constructed scope at a knock down price either,or my bananas,green beans,tomatoes,because at least by buying these things you maintaining a mimimum level of living for these employees!




                        • #13
                          Originally posted by s car go View Post
                          Well thanks Andy!
                          You've reminded me I bought a telescope from Aldi Marche here a few years ago for about €40. I don't think it's quite as good as yours,but I would'nt know as I never used it.The instructions were in French and too difficult to understand,but I managed to download an English version.
                          I think I should set it up.I'm sure Scotland would be similiar to here, in that you must get the same fantastic view of the stars,because of the lack of light pollution,
                          Oh! and for the record I did'nt feel guilty buying my "slave labour" constructed scope at a knock down price either,or my bananas,green beans,tomatoes,because at least by buying these things you maintaining a mimimum level of living for these employees!


                          You might just be able to see Uranus with that.
                          If its not broke don't fix it.


                          • #14
                            LOL Maybe if I sit on it!!!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by s car go View Post
                              LOL Maybe if I sit on it!!!!!
                              If its not broke don't fix it.

