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Air con controls

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  • Air con controls

    Has any one got the sliding type ventilation controls with air con,or is it only supplied with the push button type controls?
    I want to put air con on my truck,unlike everyone else it seems, who want to take it off!
    I think the two systems should be basically the same,but any input appreciated.



  • #2
    The slider controls finished at the 8/'91 on the Surfs. Not sure how you would adapt one to a 4Runner. I'd imagine the slider type would be easier to install. Other than that not sure what you need.



    • #3
      Thanks Nev
      I assume all the sliders do is send the air up or down,either electronically via motors or like mine mechanically!
      Think I will get Richard to strip out as much as possible from a breaker and I'll go from there.Anything is possible,its just the amount of agravasion and money that is unkown!!




      • #4
        a couple of 4runners that i had in have had air con and the heater controls were the same as the surf ones on the later 2.4's.I'm not sure/remember whether the plugs in the back were the same or not now


        • #5
          The 4Runner heater panel has a blanked out hole for the A/C switch.

          Your biggest hassle is fitting the evaporator behnd the dash, and getting all the hoses, wiring and other components bolted in the car.

          A switch is the least of your worries..

          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Might be easier to fit an aftermarket set up.
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TonyN View Post
              The 4Runner heater panel has a blanked out hole for the A/C switch.

              Your biggest hassle is fitting the evaporator behnd the dash, and getting all the hoses, wiring and other components bolted in the car.

              A switch is the least of your worries..

              Yes I agree Tony
              I'm not bothered about lifting the dash out,or having the electric controls for the ventilation,I just hoping the air con will work with the manual sliders! I can't see why not,and I know that land/Range Rovers have manual and electric controls available!!

              At this time of year you realise just how effective air con is at keeping the windows mist free!!



