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Could you live without a Surf?

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  • Could you live without a Surf?

    When I bought my Surf two years ago I had a smaller car too, I kept that until around May this year when I sold it and had the Surf as my only vehicle. This is my third Toyota, the two previous ones I owned were when I lived in Australia and did a lot of off-roading.

    Now, of course my lovely Toyota is a thirst bucket on short trips. So I've just bought another small runabout, a Golf. EVERYONE, friends, my sister, kids.. etc are telling me it's time to sell the Surf. I've said yes, I've said no, I've said yes.. it's the sensible thing to do. I put a note up on Facebook, yes Facebook... and got a bite within hours. Trouble is now, tonight, I cannot sleep for the thought of parting company with The Beast is just too much for me to cope with.

    Bottom line is when the chips are down I simple CAN'T do it.

    Yes, everyone on here says the 3 litre is better than the 2.4, mine's a 2.4, and I can honestly say it's a good one, never let me down and will go all day long no bother.

    Am I on my own with this? Or do lots of you out there feel the same? I keep weighing it all up, but then in the end I just can't bear the thought of selling this car. I've never felt this way about a vehicle before, is it totally mad? Or are these trucks really that special?

    The ONLY reason to sell it would be to put some money back in the bank, and money means shit to me to be honest, it comes, it goes, and I'll probably never be rich. But the Surf... now that's an entirely different thing. I'll never find another one as nice as this one, and I'm sitting here at a half past midnight writing this because someone stuck their head above the radar wanting to buy it and I can't bear the thought of letting it go...

    Okay I must be mad, right?
    Love me Love my Surf!

  • #2
    i know what you mean i was thinking of buying a smaller car but i spent the money having the head replaced had the truck for 5 years never missed a beat goes like a new truck now love it to bits lost my dad two years back he loved it big smile on his face when ever he had a ride in it so keep your truck and you know when ever you look at her you get a warm feeling and a big smile


    • #3
      Take no notice of the 3.0 owners, of course they're going to put the 2.4 down it makes them feel good.
      I've got a 2.4 here now, a well looked after example, runs like brand new and I really like driving it. I have a 200ish bhp Surf of my own, but driving the 2.4 just 'feels' nice and...er.... normal.

      Use the Golf to run around in, but in a couple of months you'll thank yourself for keeping the Surf, especially where you live.


      • #4
        i love my 2.4 surf and it's the 1st car i've had in over 3 years that i havent had advitised for sale the same day i got it even putting a hole years tax on her this month i love it and as for the 3.0 think well i've played about with my 2.4 by turned up the boost and it can do all you need it to my mate next door (greeley on here ) has a 3.0 and it's not much better and he say's my 2.4 drives better than the 2x 2.4 he's had b4 and the only problems i've had with mine was the rocker gasget and the boot seal i do what to put a v8 in it next year but soon as i've done that i'll be getting anoth 2.4 for day to do


        • #5
          Only you really know if you can live without your truck, by the sounds of what you've posted the answer is no so tell them all where they can go and what they can do with their advise and be on standby when they all get snowed in .


          • #6
            It just has to stay.. runs like a dream. Just had the timing belt replaced and the guy who did it damaged the radiator - so that's new too. Apart from that there haven't really been any problems with this truck. I feel sick at the thought of it being owned by someone else who may not love and nurture it as much as me. . . so IT STAYS !

            I do love it. We are all entitled to have something special aren't we? And yes, I always have a big grin on my face driving it, no other car has EVER done that!

            Enjoy .... your Surfs guys !
            Love me Love my Surf!


            • #7
              im lucky enough to have 3ltr and 2.4, love them both and wouldnt consider another car. Great for dogs, bikes, work, comfort,holidays,festivals,sho pping and seeing round corners. My eldest is now driving the 2.4 over his B.M.W.
              wont catch me in a 'go cart'...lol
              so long and thanks for all the mud


              • #8
                I bought my Surf about a year ago, it's a bit tatty but I love it - I've had all sorts of cars but this is the first car I've actuallly spent money doing up - I love it! If it ever dies (due to the dreaded head) I'll just go out and buy another one.
                “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                • #9
                  Keep it!!! If you sell it you won't get that much for it, and you'll only have to fork out more money to get another one, and you WILL want another one!!

                  Cheers, Nick
                  "The force will be with you, always!"


                  • #10
                    i feel exactly the same i have had a 2.4 and a 3rd gen which ive had a couple of years now, it's sitting on the drive not getting used, i should sell it to a good home but dont wont to cos ill miss it, never had this trouble getting rid of other cars!



                    • #11
                      Hi Ardasha. You obviously love your Surf, so why get rid of it unless you absoloutley, desperately need to. (They get under your skin, dont they?). I would give up anything I had to, before I would get rid of mine. If you're looking for cheaper running costs, why not consider running it on bio diesel? Theres loads of info out there. Why not post some pics of your pride and joy on here?....Cheers ....Mick.
                      " Time wounds all heels ".


                      • #12
                        Speaking from experience...

                        Went from this

                        To this

                        and back to this

                        in the space of 9 months.

                        Regrets, I've had my share...
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #13
                          www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


                          • #14
                            I had SURFS for 6 years & had to move to a better MPG but thats another story. I'd go back to SURFS anyday iff i was in a Good Job again.
                            Best Vehicle ive ever owned.
                            I've had 3 1st 2.4 2nd Gen then a Lovely 3.0 Intercooled then lost my Job so exchanged for a Gen 3 3.0 Manual.
                            Then swapped for what turned out to be a big Mistake.
                            (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              I have had a few different cars over the years. My last one had a V12 and 420bhp.
                              But the Surf is my favourite by far, and probably the only car I've ever become really attached to. To be honest I just bought it just as a utility truck for on the farm. But I enjoy driving it so much that I was soon using it as a daily driver.
                              When I first got it my wife had a Golf as a runaround on lease. But she loved the Surf. So we got another one when the Golf went back.
                              I have absolutely no idea why they have such a strong appeal, but I am definitely hooked. I certainly can't imagine being without one.
                              Given how little you will get for it, I'd keep it till it rots.

