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VOSA checks in Chatham

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  • VOSA checks in Chatham

    VOSA checks in Chatham today, next to BAE

    I got pulled, and fuel tank checked along with truck going over with a fine tooth comb.

    They noticed the HID headlights but didn't say anything about the beam direction so it's all good :-)
    If it can be broken it can be fixed

  • #2
    Why did they need to check your vehicle, I thought they were there to check HGVs.
    ANPR system down?


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      Why did they need to check your vehicle, I thought they were there to check HGVs.
      ANPR system down?
      I did ask the police motorbike rider why I had been pulled and his reply was "because we can as you are on the road"
      If it can be broken it can be fixed


      • #4
        They were pulling vans only while I was waiting so it might just be a check for red deisel
        If it can be broken it can be fixed


        • #5
          Originally posted by mckirdy-services View Post
          I did ask the police motorbike rider why I had been pulled and his reply was "because we can as you are on the road"
          I know it's not exactly helpful getting arsey with coppers when they pull you, and that if you give them the 'umble pie treatment with lots of yes sir no sirs it seems to float their boat. But I'd have struggled to bite my tongue if a copper said that he had pulled me "because he could".
          You can be damn sure that there are extensive guidelines in place re these sort of checks. And although I've no idea what they are, I bet they don't say "pull anyone you damn well please". And I'd wager that they are obliged to explain why a vehicle has been stopped if asked.
          Like I said, not worth kicking up a fuss about (unless you got done for something, in which case there is a good chance you could wriggle out of it if guidelines were not being properly adhered to), but damned irritating all the same...


          • #6
            yes, that would have irritated me as well.

            if you asked why you were pulled you shouldnt be getting the ' because we can' attitude.

            this is the reason why i dislike some of the police officers, they go from being a civvi with no power, to a police officer with quite a bit of power and obviously some of them let it go to their heads.
            My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


            • #7
              Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
              I know it's not exactly helpful getting arsey with coppers when they pull you, and that if you give them the 'umble pie treatment with lots of yes sir no sirs it seems to float their boat. But I'd have struggled to bite my tongue if a copper said that he had pulled me "because he could".
              You can be damn sure that there are extensive guidelines in place re these sort of checks. And although I've no idea what they are, I bet they don't say "pull anyone you damn well please". And I'd wager that they are obliged to explain why a vehicle has been stopped if asked.
              Like I said, not worth kicking up a fuss about (unless you got done for something, in which case there is a good chance you could wriggle out of it if guidelines were not being properly adhered to), but damned irritating all the same...
              I quite agree, normally I'm very pedantic about things like that, however I was in a rush and did not have the time to inform him :-). Plus I'm not exactly sure on how a VOSA random check affects the process. I know that normally the police must have a reason to pull you.

              I have no problem with reprimanding a police officer when they are in the wrong but I make sure I know exactly where I stand and I'm not in a rush :-)

              Had I had the time I would have brought to his attention his lack of professionalism and that I did not accept his response as satisfactory.

              Manners cost nothing! He could of replied with " Sir the reason I have pulled you is to enable a random VOSA vehicle check"

              anyway it's all fine, I was just 20 minutes late !

              I'll have a read up on VOSA checks as they have pulled me twice there now.
              If it can be broken it can be fixed


              • #8
                Plus I asked politely! Along the lines of " excuse me could you please tell me why you have pulled me over"

                Had I been " oi watch ya pulling me for ?" then I could understand the blunt reply, still wrong but could understand why.

                I have been pulled twice in Ireland and there is a massive difference in attitude. Over there everything is sir, please, thank you etc. Occasionally you get that here but mostly it's abrupt rudeness.
                If it can be broken it can be fixed


                • #9
                  Alas you have to stop for the boys in blue, indeed it is an offence to fail stop when required by an officer in uniform. You are required to produce licence, insurance and MOT if required, and should he get a whif of alcoholic drink he will bag you. It's called a non- random random breath test cos we dont carry out random breath tests in the U.K.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spoggle View Post
                    Alas you have to stop for the boys in blue, indeed it is an offence to fail stop when required by an officer in uniform.

                    That is true, but not quite the point.


                    • #11
                      stop checks

                      My son got stopped in a police check system and the went through his car B.M.W M3 with a fine tooth combe, dipped the tank ect...and got realy arsey with him as they didnt believe he had bought the car through honest sweat and toil ( he's 21 now and has worked full time since leaving school at 16), this one copper spent an awfull lot of time trying to insinuate that he MUST be selling drugs to be able to afford such a car.....makes me mad that they are so suspitious and tar all with the same brush.
                      We live across the road from a total rogue who blatently fills his vans and cars with red, dosnt have a driving licience but yet never gets a tug for any thing.
                      What's up with this world...thanks feels good to get that fo my chest.
                      peace out.... Mrs B
                      so long and thanks for all the mud


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mrs B View Post
                        My son got stopped in a police check system and the went through his car B.M.W M3 with a fine tooth combe, dipped the tank ect...and got realy arsey with him as they didnt believe he had bought the car through honest sweat and toil ( he's 21 now and has worked full time since leaving school at 16), this one copper spent an awfull lot of time trying to insinuate that he MUST be selling drugs to be able to afford such a car.....makes me mad that they are so suspitious and tar all with the same brush.
                        We live across the road from a total rogue who blatently fills his vans and cars with red, dosnt have a driving licience but yet never gets a tug for any thing.
                        What's up with this world...thanks feels good to get that fo my chest.
                        peace out.... Mrs B

                        E-mail his reg number and address to VOSA.


                        • #13
                          Think perhaps a bigger drop is on the card for our 'peach' of a neighbour, keep getting told by the boys in blue that the matter is in hand....must have big hands and a long grip....but we live in hope of a peacefull life again,
                          so long and thanks for all the mud


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                            That is true, but not quite the point.
                            Yes, I know that the point is about the attitude that particular officer showed. But the police force are supposed to represent a true cross section of socety, and you can find ass holes in all walks of life. Just look at government!, and we voted them in!!!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spoggle View Post
                              Yes, I know that the point is about the attitude that particular officer showed. But the police force are supposed to represent a true cross section of socety, and you can find ass holes in all walks of life. Just look at government!, and we voted them in!!!

                              We did, but then when you have a choice of voting for a) a bunch of massive ass holes, b) another bunch of massive ass holes, c) an irrelevant bunch of massive ass holes, or d) some completely insane and probably dangerous massive ass holes, then you shouldn't be too surprised at the outcome.

