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the mini poeple at uxbridge

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  • the mini poeple at uxbridge

    hi evryone

    I would like to know who is going to uxbridge show and If you are bringing your kids (if you have any) I would like to know because I am the son of sumo and I reprisent the younger generation of surfers and I will be there.

    [COLOR=red][SIZE=7]warning[/SIZE] [SIZE=5]incoming next generation[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

  • #2
    Originally posted by Penquin
    hi evryone

    I would like to know who is going to uxbridge show and If you are bringing your kids (if you have any) I would like to know because I am the son of sumo and I reprisent the younger generation of surfers and I will be there.


    Rick is going
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Ill be there and should be bringing my two boys!!
      I always work better wet .

      Its why I became a plumber!!!


      • #4
        My nephew Smallears 69 (Ben) will be there . You shared the Zook in the mud hole we sank in at the Pit last time out .There may be a lift to the show in my mates Lotus Elise if you want . It has some trackday damage at the moment so may be in for repair .
        Depends how many beers you buy me Saturday night .

        Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

